Request for well wishes, please


Junior Member
Nov 16, 2008
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North Carolina, US
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Hi guys and gals. I have been here a long time and peruse the site daily. I am not generally socially active, as you can tell by my post count, but I started with the forum back on the sportbike site and have seen a lot of members come and go, and then come back.

That being said, I would like some positive vibes sent to my family.

I am not religious, but any prayer, chant, pagan offering or kind thought would be appreciated. I am not asking for a post count either, just a silent blessing would be plenty.

Today, my sister lost her new daughter, 11 days old. Normal pregnancy, normal term. Eating well, gaining weight, going to the bathroom. Apparently she had some problems with her small intestine which caused a twist in the bowel. By the time it had been discovered, emergency surgery and a follow up surgery could not help her.

We ate a memorial day dinner with them last night, and tonight the kid is getting prepped for burial. She left two brothers and a sister who will miss her very much.

I am upset as well, I can only imagine how my sister feels.

Needless to say, there are some strange times ahead, and I feel that her family could use some kind thoughts sent their way.

Thanks, Ken
You and your family should know that there are many people here that will send prayers and thoughts for this heavy loss. Please convey our condolences to your family...
I've said it before and I'll say it again. It's natural for a child to lose a parent, but it's SO unnatural for a parent to lose a child. Unfortunately I too know that first hand. Your sister and her husband are in my thoughts, as are you....
My thoughts are with you, my son has a 20 day old daughter and she is just so precious to all in the family. I just can't fathom how you feel.

Rest in Peace little one.
Ken, your family has my deepest sympathies. As a mother myself, I cannot begin to think what your sister & her husband are going through :(
I'm so very sorry....
I am so very sorry to hear that. Words can not begin to convey the pain they are going through. I am not religious person either but we all need something to hold onto at times and my thoughts go out to those needing them now.

Be strong and support everyone as best possible.

So sorry to hear of your loss. If I live to be 1,000 years old, there are somethings that will still be a mystery to me.

As was mentioned and demonstrated above, we are all part of a big family and are thinking and praying.

I couldn't imagine how I would feel if anything happened to my kids. Thoughts go out to your family, wishing them strength in their time of grief.
Thanks to everyone who took the time to read the post.

There was a small, private service and the team did a great job of making the kid look like she never was sick.

I was proud to be able to tell my sister that I had a group of people that was willing to support them.

Thanks again,