Removing the Center Stand?


Junior Member
May 15, 2012
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Chicago, IL
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I had some questions about some things I've read on the forums re: dragging parts on the track. As I've read in the forums some people have removed their center stands because they've said it drags when leaning on the track. I wanted to describe my experiance at the track yesterday and get an understanding of if these people have additional mods or if its a precaution. Anyway... I'm at the track yesterday for the first time. I'm a fairly aggressive leaner on the street. By the 2nd session I was hitting my warning feelers so much I removed them. I ended up going further over to the point where I was scraping my actual peg on the right side. On the left I was dragging my kick stand before I even touched the peg. On the left side of the tire, I have about 1MM of strip that didn't get touched very much as it didn't have a lot of clag on it from the track. So basically I can't use that part of the tire unless I remove my kick stand... (I have pics of all scraping and tires if anyone is curious)

I guess my question is, what gives? If the kick stand & pegs drags far before the center stand, whats the point of removing the center stand (from a it drags on the street perspective). Are people that mentioned this removing their kick stand and running non-stock pegs as well? is this a just a precaution? Has someone had a diff exp.?

While I thought I had a good hang off the bike, I realized its crap and I'm leaning too far than is necessary for my speeds. Next time I go back I'm really planning to focus on how I hang off the bike. I'm not scared of getting her close to the ground, but I could definitely go faster, safer if I learn how to hang off properly.
mine only drags when i hit a gravity corner, and it THROWS the bike.

its pretty much only with heavier riders (no offense to anyone) or in gravity corners when its uphill and loading up the suspension alot.
I got the centre stand on my GS650 scraping and throwing up sparks when I was running knobbies on a ride to Cali.

I am not sure of the difference in geometry between ground clearance for the centre stands at lean.

What I would assume though, is it probably would if you really get her down there. I don't like running with peg feelers because I just don't like having anything touch the ground at all it throws off my focus. The only thing I prefer to have touch the asphalt is my inside knee. Lol

It's weird you got your side stand scraping... I've never done that even on the FZ and I've had a knee down on that one. Mind you I did still have another tiny bit of the tire I wasn't exploring at pace. But that's a wicked quick pace and I am not sure that is why you scraped it.

Other things that will make a difference:

-get your suspension set up and adjusted to YOU. It is exceptionally important and I will actually be doing a bit of a write up at some point about it for what I thought, and what I learned, and how it helped me for suspension.

^could explain it maybe

Not sure.

But if you're not dragging it, why bother taking it off?
You rode with STT I presume? I doubt they would allow you to ride with a centerstand in the top two groups regardless of what you told them about it not dragging.

I only ever dragged my CS on the street, IIRC. I removed it for TDs. Dragged my sidestand on the track before removing it for all future TDs. Had rearsets and aggressive tires...used all the tire as I was always pretty fast at the apex (slow on entry and exit though...which I think I have improved a lot on over the last couple years).