Removing FZ6 Graphic from fairing


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Mar 22, 2011
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I've readd the "how to" thread on removing stickers but would like some additional info from anyone who has removed the big FZ6 graphic from the fairing. Will a hair dryer be enough or is a heat gun mandatory ? Is there a better way ? Will the paint survive OK as the big graphic is peeled off ? Anyone's prior experience with this chore will be more than appreciated. THANX!! :BLAA:
I removed the "FZ6" sticker no problem with hairdryer and some WD-40, but left the large 'check' image.
The most important factor in removing the decals is PATIENCE.

1) Slow removal is key. Pulling too fast will cause the adhesive to delaminate and transfer to the fairing. You also don't want to tear the decal.

2) Pull the decal at a 90 degree angle. And go slow.

3) Go slow.

4) Using a citrus-based adhesive remover on a soft cloth will take care of any residue.

I removed the decals without incident but then again, I work with this type of stuff every day in a large building at 3M so I've had a lot of practice at this sort of thing. :thumbup:
I removed mine without a heatgun. Just patience as others have said. I also used WD-40 on a soft rag after I was done and I'm pleased with the results.
I removed all of the decals but the fz6 on my front fairing. As others have said, patience is the key. Used citrus solvent to get it started and to clean up residue.

Three years and it's held up fine!

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