RED owner's it's your turn

What happen red owners, :scared: to show us your rides

Black Rules

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Can't believe I'm the only one with a red bike...

It's an older pic, I've got a light smoke Puig windscreen now, but it's the only only I've got on my PC at work!
One brave soul! Sue, the rest are running scared from the Blue bikes!
Yes very scarey blue ones, must be cold because red is the hottest...


and hopefully I'll get out this weekend and get some decent pics...
My FZ is the first red toy I've ever owned. The sickness has spread to my Toyota Tundra and other toys as well...


Oh, and yeah. It's quick!
Here's my beater. Quite a bit of crap done to that bike and still runs better than new.

Oh, and my wife proves that red is definitely sexier.