Recovering from my recent accident!


Junior Member
May 21, 2009
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Stamford, CT.
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Sunday 08-16-09 2:30pm

I was taking a ride to go swim at a pool with two other friends following behind me in a car. Everything was going smooth but, then it happened.

Earlier before i was driving back home from vacation in a car for 4 hours straight. Then went to my friends house because he needed help moving some couches around from basement to 2nd floor. Weather was at an all time high and dehydration could happen any time.

Boots, long pants, jacket, gloves, full face helmet... check...
I was ready to ride to that pool.

A corner came up.
Took the corner a lil wide.
squirrel ran across the street.
i tried to swerve out its way.
there were road cracks all along the road
i hit the rear brake, it locked up..
saw a tree infront of me and knew i would hit.
thats all i remember until i got to the hospital.

deep laceration on my right knee and scrapes on my left knee.
fractured left thumb.
my right elbow also recieved a pretty bad cut.
bruised liver, lung, throat.

bike.. wrecked..
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Wow, hope you heal quickly.

Cornering, what else is new. #1 type of accident for a motorcyclist.

Next time, get some riding pants too to go along with your riding gear.

Thanks for posting. You have any pics of your gear or bike?
Glad you are still here to talk about it. Reading the part about the tree gives me that sick feeling, I had the same thought go through my head except it was a concrete barrier. Hope you heal fast, crashes suck
so sorry to hear man...glad that you are ok.

seriously, who cares about the bike. worry about yourself.
Sorry dude!! Heal up and take it easy. I COULD HAVE hit 4 rabbits this morning! They're everywhere early in the am here.
Very, very sorry to hear about crash.
Other people here wrecked their bikes here but you kind of got worst of the damages to your body.
I heard people fall on the snakes on the road, street car rails, oil on the road, sand in the curve ... you name it. When riding I am trying to see as far as I can and predict what kind of trap can lie ahead. In the car hole or bump means nothing, on two wheels it might be catastrophic. You simply can't predict and prepare for everything. On motorcycle things come up at you pretty fast, but everyone know that already.

Recover fast and get another FZ6. Take time driving, no reason for racing anywhere.
Sorry this happened to you. Glad to see you here and typing about it though! That's a very serious list of injuries. Now, I know you're upset about losing one testicle but you can still operate with the other one! Look at Lance Armstrong... He's doing OK for a one-nut man (and even got to bed Sheryl Crow.) Chin up buddy. Heal and stay positive. You survived. You'll ride again. :thumbup: