Reason of why picking your screen name?

Well, I am usually a very creative person. Can't really tell by my screen name choice, eh? :rolleyes:
I was mostly just anxious to get going as a part of the forum,
so I didn't want to waste time coming up with some clever name.
(My creative process is often slow.) :popcorn:
Plus, it makes it easy for people to remember my real name when chatting!! :D
I found this searching for a thread that I thought I posted to. Turns out that I posted to a different forum that had the same question. So I guess I'm pulling this out cuz it's fun.


I was going to college and was signing into a chat room for the first time and wanted to come up with something funny and different. I used Whome (Who me) and I liked it. It was hard to use in forums so I changed it around with the o to a 0 and the e to a 3 I guess it's still common to do. I've used it when playing games and on different forums as well.
QWICKFLICKing your bike can sometimes save your ass while potholes, cars that stop short, redirect your turning at somewhat highspeed ;)
Well my first name is Marc and we have a store in the UK called 'Marks and Spencer' also known as 'Marks and Sparks'. Because of this I have been known as Sparks or Sparkle but mostly Sparky pretty much since the day I was born. So many people still call me this, a lot of people actually think it's my real name. Sparky is always taken as a username so I add 'Bean' which is another nickname I got in my late teens. Making Sparky Bean. My PS3 gamertag is Sparky_Bean if anyone here is down for any of that shizzle!