Really? Again? Barely over a month?


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Mar 24, 2010
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Rolla, MO
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So I don't know if you guys remember, but I got in a wreck, not my fault, back in January. Well, now this **** happened today on my nice new bike. I think in a case like this, we should be able to get their driver's license, and burn it right in front of them. I'm so pissed.

So here I am, riding along on my new bike, barely a month I've had her, and a lady heading towards me decides to turn left into a parking lot, I grabbed both brakes and the horn, the horn stopped her, but in order to miss her the bike and I went down. I jumped up and started yelling at her (I was so pissed!!) She got out and goes, "I didn't even see you! Where did you come from?" Um, yeah, I was driving along this road for the past 2 miles, and she says "you didn't pull out of a parking lot?" And I'm like no, you just weren't paying attention. Luckily there was a witness and he says, yeah lady, he was just riding down the road and you turned in front of him. At least it sounds like she'll be getting a failure to yield ticket and she's at fault, so her insurance has to take care of it.

I can't believe this ****. I wouldn't be at all surprised if she was talking on her damn cell phone.
Man that sucks. At least a witness stepped up for you. Most people nowadays pretend they never saw or heard a thing (as long as they aren't the victim). Glad you're OK.
Sorry to hear that, man. But at least your not hurt, right? how badly damaged is the bike. hopefully its not too bad. You should post up some pics when u get a chance. It could have been any of us. Be safe out there people!!!
I bought a headlight modulator for just this reason. You can't miss it. Glad you're alright my friend!
You got lucky, I had the same thing happen cops came lady even said it was her fault, cop said he couldn't write an accident report since our vehicles never made contact, only way I could go after her was to take my chance in court.
That sucks man! I'm sorry for your crash, but glad you're ok. Idiots like that driver are why I wear hi-viz gear. They'll still run into me, but at least in a court of law, I can shoot down their "but I did not see him" excuse.
I know how that is, man. Totally sucks! I work in auto claims and I've had people tell me that 18-wheelers "came out of nowhere". Between riding and my job I've become a much more conscientious driver and avoided a few dozen accidents because I could see someone about to do something stupid! As a side note, her insurance company should also pay for your new helmet and any gear that was damaged beyond use in the crash!
I know how you feel, my first bike got totaled by one of those people. I stopped for a lady waiting to cross at a crosswalk. I was stopped for probably a good 4-5 seconds, suddenly I hear squealing tires, and before I can think, I have a Durango in my fender. It was an old lady driving it... when the cops get there, she tells them I just stopped so fast she didn't have time to stop. BS lady, I was stopped long before you hit me, and your skidmarks are at best 6' behind my back tire. I was sitting there, you weren't paying attention. :rolleyes:
Glad you are alright. In light of this you might want to re-evaluate your riding and awareness. Like you said, you didn't "come out of nowhere", but then again neither did the driver. Obviously bad things can still happen, but being aware and adjusting your position relative to threats can turn an accident into a near miss.

I'm not saying you were in the wrong, I'm sayin you can be "right" on the road and also dead.

Good info about S.E.E. here Using the S.E.E Strategy
Maintaining your focus while riding can often be a challenge. But to make it easier, the MOTORCYCLE SAFETY FOUNDATION® (MSF) uses a simplified version of the mental process for making judgments and taking action in traffic: S.E.E., an acronym for Search, Evaluate, and Execute. This acronym is used in the Rider's Edge® New Rider Course and the MSF Basic Rider Course™.
OP, I'm glad to hear you're alright! This is my nightmare scenario on the bike...the car turning left in front of me, because you literally have nowhere to go. And good on the witness for stopping and backing you up! I had a similar thing happen a few years ago while I was in my car. I'm driving along on a 2-lane road (55 mph zone) and I've got about 6-7 cars behind me. Guy in a big pickup truck pulls out from the left side of the road, heading the same direction I am. I was literally 20 feet from the intersection. He pulled out fast enough to just get squared up to my front bumper and I rear-ended him at about 40 mph. His truck was so big, he didn't even realize I'd hit him until he was about 500 feet down the road and looked back and saw my car sitting in the middle of the road. He backed up to me (as I pulled off to the shoulder) and began telling me how he never even saw me (or the cars behind me) and he freely admitted that he was talking on his cell phone at the time! None...not one...of the cars behind me stopped to verify what happened or make sure I was ok.

To add insult to injury, he told his insurance company after the fact that I just ran up on him and hit him in the rear end! After taking pictures of my skid marks and sending them to his insurance company (clearly showing I was 20 feet from the intersection) they immediately admitted fault and paid for everything. I believe they dropped him too, since he clearly lied to them.

I agree with another poster...her insurance company should pay for any gear that was damaged too. BTW, post up what you were wearing and how it fared in the accident. It might help others out if it didn't or did work out well for you. :thumbup: