Re-Educate Yourself

Ryan T

Sep 8, 2008
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Woodbridge VA
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Well, time is drawing near for a lot of us that have been stuck in the cold, fridget weather. Unable to ride, looking forward to the warm weather, and more than ready to get out there and enjoy those wonderful warm sun filled days. I too feel the same way, chomping at the bit to ride again.

My FZ6 family, lets make sure we start the new riding season off right. Let's do the things we need to ensure our fun and fantastic riding season.

1. Take time to checkout your ride: tires, fluids, controls, electrical system, brakes, suspension, etc.

2. Re-educate yourself: it's been awhile since you were on two wheels. Driving that cage may have dulled those keen motorcycle senses you will need once you're back on your two wheeled monster.

3. Ease into riding: regain that comfort zone of being one with the bike. Time to remember and manage that "twist of the wrist" equals warp 6.

4. CAGERS DON'T SEE YOU, YOU ARE INVISIBLE TO THEM ONCE AGAIN (even so in the cage for some)

5. ATGATT. Even when its hot, wear your gear. I have first hand experience on this one. If they jacket you have is too hot, get another one for Summer. The cost of the jacket is cheaper than the cost of lost skin.

6. Practice, practice, practice: Spend some time in a lot all by your lonesome to drill and work on, slow, tight turns, stopping, evasive maneuvers, throttle control, etc.

7. PAY ATTENTION: Concentrate on riding; maintain safe distances

8. Don't ride above/beyond your experience level to keep up with someone else. This is a very, very bad combination that can result in injury or worse.

9. Always have an exit strategy

Talking Alabama here 60 today YES :cheer:
70 next week end will probably pay for it with some bad storms :(
BUT yes! yes! yes! :Flash:
Ride! ride! ride!:thumbup:
So as you were saying need to check out the bike, but it's so sunny want to ride NOW!!!:rockon:
Yesterday out riding in the country as I said before pretty chilly.
Coming up to a T in the road I needed to stop
A old truck come up from the right and cuts the corner and don't see me till he's throw.:ban:
There was no weeds or anything to make it where me couldn't see me.
I saw it coming and stopped early.
I wouldn't have used it yesterday but I'm getting a horn that will blow out an ear drum today!!!:eek:
Good reminder . . . .

While you must have been typing I was out on my first ride this year . . . :)

I checked the bike over in the week: fluids, electrics, tyres, chain . . . so I knew that was all ok, and then it's like "The Matrix" reloading bike riding program ;), but you're right I took it nice and steady getting used to the feel of the bike and brakes again . . . .

very good advise and reminder to us all . .. . :thumbup:
I was bad had to ride
Bike runs I rode MY BAD:eek:
It did have gas in it and changed the oil 3 weeks ago, so maybe not really bad:D
Good advice.

Thank you.

Now you can burn down the city to melt the snow and go out riding !!!!!!

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Great post...I'm a new rider and it's great to read post like this everyday...God Bless everyone...Be Safe!!!!
being a pedestrian in Amsterdam is great practice for doing your shoulder/lifesaver checks, as if you don't there's a high risk of being run down by a scooter/cyclist/other pedestrian :D

i've been riding my bike over winter when i can though, so my skills hopefully aren't that rusty
4 motorcycle deaths over the weekend in Perth - 1 on my local road - Chittering/Julimar Rds.

Take care people. Ride your own ride, don't try to keep up with faster riders than yourself and DON'T TAKE RISKS.

RIP riders and thanks Ryan for this thread.

Good advice. Listen people and PRACTICE :rockon:
Bike will be getting a full make over in the next couple of weeks. Fix a vent tube leak IN the fuel tank, new tires , chain and sprockets.

Riding skills have stayed sharp with riding my snowmobile at speeds that on the street would get my bike taken away here in Ontario. Ride a little bit agressive ;)
And have managed to do some indoor motocross riding here and there.

Should be good to go, will just have to take it easy on the messy roads on new tires and hope the cagers haven't forgotten we exist!
My horn is so quiet, I think that would be a smart upgrade. I know I can barely hear it so that means most others will not hear it all at. My big mx issues now is changing the brake fluid, and getting values checked.

This was supposed to be a reply but somehow I screwed it up.
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