Question about new Scorpion exhaust operating temp.


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Mar 22, 2011
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Happy almost Spring to all. I've installed my X-mas present Scorpions on my '09 Fz & now have a question. The right can (as you look @ the back of the bike as its going away from you) runs MUCH cooler than the left can. After an hour of riding the left can is too hot to touch & hold but the right is not. I've looked down into the cans (db killers OUT) & noticed the left can has a clear tract down into the baffles but the right can has what looks like a washer or doughnut welded in place further down into the interior of the exhaust. Could this be to compensate for the more direct line of exhaust travel for this can vs the longer travel route for the left side ???? The left side being the farthest awy from the "Y" of the tail pipe. Anyone else experience this?? Is this something that will go way with use?? Should I even be concerned with it ??
I just wanted to see if I could get a consensus of opinion before I contact the Scorpion people. Please give me all the input you can. The bike runs & sounds great but I am really curious about this temperature issue & whether or not I should be worried.
Thanx in advance !!

When I had Scorpions, one can had more exhaust flowing through it and got hotter. I don't remember which one it was. You should contact Scorpion just for an explanation out of curiosity. I'm sure it's normal though. And you mentioned it sounded great, so I wouldn't worry.
Sounds like you have a DB killer installed in one side. Both mufflers should look exactly the same inside. The one with the donut inside should have a very small allen head screw likely to the outside (in the muffler) that holds the DB killer in.. Its real easy to loose down the pipe, stuff a rag down the exhaust before you try to R&R it. Both pipes are identical and interchangable short of the sticker (which I removed).

As for the difference in heat, I really haven't noticed any but I suspect the left would get slightly hotter as its got a turn to make.

Now when its cold outside, I'll get moisture(white smoke) ONLY out the left pipe, NOT the right side so, I suspect it does indeed get a little warmer. The "Y" pipe is going to get hotter as it is a slight restriction, As long as both DB killers are out (or in) you should be fine...

I'd be curious as to what's inside one pipe and not in the other, Can you snap a decent close up picture and post it? Perhaps they made some changes... I've had my pipes approx 4 years, 10,000 miles.. I just literally looked down mine, both are exactly the same, straight thru, just a gizzilion holes in the sides.

BTW, it'll be considerably cooler vs the stock anchor/heat sink that was there before. My pillion noticed a difference in seat heat as well..
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its supposed to be like that, its to prevent or i guess just even out the exhaust gases leaving the bike sayyyyy in the morning you are leaving and watching your cans, without that donut thing all the exhaust would dump out one side and you'd look like a fool. maybe not a fool but whatever, its ment to be like that.

i love my scorpions! :rolleyes:
No Mate - it's fine.

One pipe is essentially straight through, the other one acts as a slave - just added on the side.

The air follows the path of least resistance, thus more goes through the straight pipe, rather than making a tight right-hand turn to go through the other equally.

If the pressures were equal, it would be the same - but it doesn't need to be, so it isn't.

To all who replied THANX !!! I feel a lot better. I'll call Scorpion to see if I can get a factory explanation but I'm guessing the washer / doughnut is a type of permanent baffle / restrictor of some kind meant only to even the airflow between pipes (Mave2911). For Townsend : the removeable Db killers were taken out of both of exhausts . I have the same left can moisture (white steam/smoke) issue on cold damp mornings that you mentioned. Both sides sound the same & exhaust pressure feels the same. As I mentioned before the left side is certainly hotter than the right. If I can get enough light down into the silencers for a passable pic, I will post it ASAP. Likewise I'll let ya know what Scorpion had to say.
Thanks again to all of you that took time to post your info, I feel a whole hell of a lot better.
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They must have added that part (since I bought mine new) because I can easily look ALL THE DOWN,to the "Y" pipe and there's NOTHING there, both are the same, straight thru..

Also, not mentioned, with the additional area around TWO pipes vs the one large muffler, you get air flow thru there keeping it a bit cooler than stock..:thumbup:

+1 on Mave2911's statement. The right side will obviously flow more air being straight thru.

Unless your burning oil bad, the only time you'l see more "smoke" is whe its cold and the moisture is showing coming out of the warmer pipe. Performance wise, the system is a 4 into 1, then back into two(wit the Scorps), so the back pressure at the engine will be evened out (no matter how many actual mufflers you have).

You'll also enjoy the benefit of most cages near or about you (without seeing you) knowing somethings there. I rarely use the horn, just a slight rev gets the texting dumb a.. ahead of me going...
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