Proud but nervous Father


Elite Member
Apr 9, 2009
Reaction score
Ventura, CA USA
Well, my 18 year old daughter Edyn is about to throw $2200 down on her first street bike. She just finished the MSF Course and is scheduling her trip to the DMV.

I know, I know, thank God she doesn't look like her father :D

She has had experience riding dirt bikes for the last 10 years but as we all know, dirt and street are two different animals. She has decided to select a dual sport because it seems the most practical for her especially given that the riding posture and bike handling will be very similar to the dirt bike that she is familiar with.

Never the less I must confess that I am a bit nervous. I already made her promise me that she and I would go on several rides together before she goes solo so that I can help her learn to read traffic patterns, lane placement, escape routes and overall general awareness.

I think that she made an excellent choice for a first bike, she has decide to go with a 2006 Yamaha XT225. Keep her in your prayers :thumbup:

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Although the transition from dirt to street will definitely highlight the differences between the two types of riding, I believe dirt experience makes you a better street rider. In particular, handling a bike that has gotten a little out of control with you. The dirt riding reflexes help keep you from over controlling & making panic decisions. I know it's a scary concept having a loved one out on two wheels in the mean world, but with you as a mentor she'll have an edge. Congrats and best wishes for your new riding buddy :)
I'd be more worried about that attachment in the photo, LOL.

Congrats to you both, regardless!
+ 1 lol,
"Well, my 18 year old daughter Edyn is about to throw $2200 down on her first street bike. She just finished the MSF Course and is scheduling her trip to the DMV".

Your a very level headed bloke, If your daughter follows your genes I don't think you need to worry. I bet she surprises you at how good she actually is on the road.

Good luck to you both.

Well, my 18 year old daughter Edyn is about to throw $2200 down on her first street bike.

I think she'll be fine. I personally would be more worried about her picking up her old man's Modding habits. Like when she gets ready to try and put your old Fizzer front end on the Yamaha XT225... That would be cool! :D

Also, +1 to what RJ2112 said:

I'd be more worried about that attachment in the photo, LOL.
:cheer::cheer::cheer: for Edyn! :cheer::cheer::cheer:

I know you must be nervous, but at least she had the good sense to take the course, and I'm sure she'll use what she's learned.
Thanks for the well wishes. That is her ex-boyfriend in the picture. He is a really good kid, bought his own Toyota Tacoma and YZ250 that he does endurance racing on, services his own vehicles and welds :D Gosh! I kind of miss that kid.

I tried to talk her into waiting a few more years but she just wasn't having it, kind of stubborn like her mom :eek:

Yes the MG is still on blocks, funds are a little scarce :( and she drives my car everywhere while I ride the FZ, so, no hurry.

I'm not so much worried about her modding, although, now that you mention the OEM front end, I am a little worried that I might start in on it :rolleyes:
Although the transition from dirt to street will definitely highlight the differences between the two types of riding, I believe dirt experience makes you a better street rider. In particular, handling a bike that has gotten a little out of control with you. The dirt riding reflexes help keep you from over controlling & making panic decisions. I know it's a scary concept having a loved one out on two wheels in the mean world, but with you as a mentor she'll have an edge. Congrats and best wishes for your new riding buddy :)

I couldn't agree with this more. Time on the dirt teaches all sorts of traction control that pure street riders have a hard time mastering on pavement alone.

99% of the top tier racers started riding on the dirt, and racing there years before they got to pavement.

She'd made a good choice in bike. Not too much, and familiar ergos. Ladies in general have much less trouble with controlling their top speed; and as a result often have less trouble predicting trouble and dealing with it.
Good luck and good luck to Edyn.

She has a huge advantage with 10 years dirt experience and YOU

Tell her to buy the FZ6 and join the forum :)

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Congrats to your daughter!! :D I'm glad she has dirt bike experience...and since she was 8??? That's awesome! I bet she will do fine.
Congratulations! Well I see a resemblance! Haha Like your new tutu! :rof:

Hey Edyn! Congratulations!
Congrats to Edyn! When I first started riding at 16 my parents were a mess, but both realized it is in the family, so after a little while they were fine with me on my own. Smart idea riding with her, especially since first being on the road is a tad overwhelming. Love the bike too!
ah, pea soup in buelton with the daughter. youre in for a lot of positive as well as worry. shell be fine. papa didnt raise no squidlet!
Beautiful daughter, smart bike, good Dad!
If I may offer her any advice it is: Stop watching her front wheel, (like we all do when riding off-road, like you must to survive), and watch waaaaaay out there! Good luck and congratulations, (to both of you)! Safe riding!
lol thanks. and it occured to me that the risk here is pretty minimal. shes never going to get to ride the thing.

"dad can i ride my bike today?"

"sorry dear i still havent put it back together yet"

"god damn it dad, seriously"
