Probably parting from the Fiz


I Love Lamp
Jun 11, 2008
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Just Right of St. Louis
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After much thought and consideration, and being a young dumb kid(19) I'm pretty sure im going to trade in the FZ and get an 09 R6. Its going to fit my riding style better. The Fiz is great in the twisties and will handle way more than I can throw at it, but Im Ready for a Monster of a sportbike. No 1000 here. Its just not practical for me.

After a nice raise at work. Im going to be able to afford the difference no problem. Also insurance will probably go up and the raise will cover that. A $3/hour raise, at 40+ hours a week (ive been getting 45-50 since the 2 weeks after i got it) is 120/week, or 480/month before taxes. The Fz was very good to me. All I have to do is do some more calculations on my down payment, how much I owe and what my loss is going to be. So maybe in 2-3 weeks.
You'll get a lot more for your bike if you sell it privately instead of trading it in. I'm not a whole lot older than you, but it seems you already know you are making this decision in a very "young" way. You have an '07 FZ6 that you already admitted that you can't ride to it's limits and now are moving to a more aggressive less forgiving motorcycle. I'm not going to try to tell you not to do it because I love the R6, but PLEASE be careful out there and ride within your limits. Enjoy the bike... it's beautiful!

EDIT: Congrats on the raise
After much thought and consideration, and being a young dumb kid(19) I'm pretty sure im going to trade in the FZ and get an 09 R6. Its going to fit my riding style better. The Fiz is great in the twisties and will handle way more than I can throw at it, but Im Ready for a Monster of a sportbike. No 1000 here. Its just not practical for me.

After a nice raise at work. Im going to be able to afford the difference no problem. Also insurance will probably go up and the raise will cover that. A $3/hour raise, at 40+ hours a week (ive been getting 45-50 since the 2 weeks after i got it) is 120/week, or 480/month before taxes. The Fz was very good to me. All I have to do is do some more calculations on my down payment, how much I owe and what my loss is going to be. So maybe in 2-3 weeks.

First off, if I was 19 I'd probably get the new bike too. You can work hard and play hard at that age. The R6 is sweet.

That said, are you sure you can really afford it? Everyone has different priorities, but I've always had the cash up-front before buying anything bike-related. The economy isn't exactly headed for great the employer stable? If you own the FZ6 that's a big plus for keeping it for a while.

Ever consider a 5th generation VFR? A lot cheaper than a new R6 and they are amazing bikes (heavy, but fun)
When I say riding to its limits, I mean that the Fz can be raged on like any other sportbike. I dont think the R6 will be much faster b/c of my 15t counter sprocket. (will beat my cousins stock cbr600 in a drag) Twisties is a whole nother story

Im buying it b/c its a much better handling bike, that will make you more comfortable wich should let you take turns smoother and safer. Im going to get into track days, and the r6 will be better suited for that too.
First off, if I was 19 I'd probably get the new bike too. You can work hard and play hard at that age. The R6 is sweet.

That said, are you sure you can really afford it? Everyone has different priorities, but I've always had the cash up-front before buying anything bike-related. The economy isn't exactly headed for great the employer stable? If you own the FZ6 that's a big plus for keeping it for a while.

Ever consider a 5th generation VFR? A lot cheaper than a new R6 and they are amazing bikes (heavy, but fun)

I can afford it yes. Ive dont several calculations on how my rent/food/gas/bike/utillities/etc. compared to how much i make.

Im a machinist for Zebra Technologies. Zebra is a world wide company that is growing and growing. Our wharehouse is growing so fast that we have more work than we can do. We are working 6-7 days aweek. Just bought anothe 1.2 million dollar printing press.

I do like the interceptors, but im gonna stick with yama, my loan is through yamaha, with my dad cosigning so i have a very low interest rate.
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I don't advise much unless I know what I'm talking about & I would really advise young people to seriously consider where they are financially!! What may seen affordable today may not be tomorrow.
Please consider not overextending yourself at your age! MHO
You're young and I can't blame ya. We've all been there before. But have you really checked out how much the insurance is going to cost you, especially in California? The amount you might pay, because of your age might be as much as the bike. I'm talking about full coverage too. You're bike needs to be fully covered because it will be an attractive bike for thieves. So you better do your homework.

My roomate has an '07 R6. I can outride him most of the time, especially through the turns. But he will dust me once we hit above 100mph.

However, I think my FZ outperforms his R6 in more ways. I have greater fuel capacity so I can ride farther. Plus, He's always whining that he needs to take a break because his arms are so tired when we go out on long rides. Plus, in heavy traffic, especially here in Vegas, the more upright riding position provides me with greater visiblity, which is critical riding in heavy urban areas.

But if you're just using the bike to carve the canyons on the weekends, it seems not too bad of a choice. Just be sure check how much the insurance will be. And make sure you are fully covered.
I check out the R6 on Yamaha's website every so often and dream. Great bike and specs. Then I do an insurance quote at and that brings me back to reality... and I'm over 40 with a clean record. Not saying don't do it, just it's too much for me to justify.
I just want to find someone who will let me do a few laps on theirs!
Some wise advice here from people who know and express genuine concern. I would agree with selling your FZ6 yourself though. Trade-in will kill you financially.

Good luck and ride safe! I'm sure you'll do just fine but get to know her before you push her too hard, ok?
If you really have to get an R6, buy a leftover 07-08 or pickup a nice used one. The depreciation on sportbikes are very high, and right now is a buyers market with summer ending (some won't ride in winter) and some people are selling anything they own to try and survive.
[COLOR=\"DarkGreen\"]You'll regret it. The [COLOR=\"Black\"]Iridium Terrorist[/COLOR] got rid of his R6 as fast as he got it. [/COLOR]

I have to disagree totally with you, I'm totally fine with my R6. I had the FZ and I loved it but my 04 R6 is awesome and I wouldn't go back. Everybody complains about the angle of ride and how uncomfortable it is or how they think it is. It really isn't once you learn how to ride it. Going thru the twisties is amazing and the straightaways are clean and fast. I went for afour hour ride a couple of weeks back and loved it with no problems with back, arms neck or legs. Some people may not like the R6 but don't knock it until you really have tried the bike...
I check out the R6 on Yamaha's website every so often and dream. Great bike and specs. Then I do an insurance quote at and that brings me back to reality... and I'm over 40 with a clean record. Not saying don't do it, just it's too much for me to justify.
I just want to find someone who will let me do a few laps on theirs!

My insurance is less then 400.00 a year with full coverage and I'm 43
I have to disagree totally with you, I'm totally fine with my R6. I had the FZ and I loved it but my 04 R6 is awesome and I wouldn't go back. Everybody complains about the angle of ride and how uncomfortable it is or how they think it is. It really isn't once you learn how to ride it. Going thru the twisties is amazing and the straightaways are clean and fast. I went for afour hour ride a couple of weeks back and loved it with no problems with back, arms neck or legs. Some people may not like the R6 but don't knock it until you really have tried the bike...

What about long distance. What's the farthest you've ridden in one day? you might take back what you said if you rode over 500 miles in one day.

My insurance is less then 400.00 a year with full coverage and I'm 43

What would your coverage be for a new R6 at 19 years of age? Probably well over $1000 a year.

Time for FZNick go start surfing the R6 forum and find out some questions from other R6 owners.
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I already pay over a hundred a month for insurance for the FZ6:eek:

I still have yet to do an insurance quote, Maybe tomorrow, b/c its raining. I just drove 30 min home drenched.

As for the riding position. You just gotta have riders butt. Get used to it, you will be fine.
I've rode close to 300.00 miles that day. It's just a matter of getting use to the bike and knowing how to ride it comfortably that's all. I loved my FZ6 and wished that I still had it. But I bought a used R6 with all the mods that everybody on this forum has or dream of having and bought it with a great deal and low miledge. Soooo, it may not be a touring bike but the angle of riding this bike isn't as drastic as everyone puts it out to be..