Power commander

Is it a power commander? How much? Pm me if you like.

Sorry I thought you were looking for info on one. I used to have a PClll when I had my FZ6. Are you going to tune your bike? or do you have a similar set-up that you might use someone elses map?
I am new to this. I am going to buy a leo vince with the replacement of the cat for a straight pipe. I was looking for a PC3 and will need help to map it.
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I am new to this. I am going to buy a leo vince with the replacement of the cat for a straight pipe. I was looking for a PC3 and will need help to map it.

If you do the LV's with the CAT replacement you will probably need additional fuel management because it might reduce the back pressure in the exhaust enough that the OEM ECU may not be able to adjust. Your bike is the 05 and I believe it has only one CAT where the later models included additional CATs in the header.
If you can do just the cans and keep the OEM CAT then you really don't need the PC. The OEM ECU can adjust for the difference. If you have to use the PC then hunt down a map from someone who's been dyno'd with a PC and the same set setup. If not I would consider spending the extra buck$ ($300-$350)

I know it sucks hearing that but I would also get other opinions and experience here on the forum. There are quite a lot of folks with the LV's.
Good luck!
Thank you very much....you have been a great help. I was just at a small local bike repair shop asking the owner (friend) about the PC. He said he races all the time and he replaced the muffler and CAT and did not need a PC. He said I would not need one. My other friend that works at the Yamaha dealership said I need a PC. I'm getting all kinds of answer. Well.....need to do more research.
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