Post graduation pre real life ride


Junior Member
Mar 24, 2010
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Rolla, MO
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Well guys, as some of you remember I posted that I had recently graduated but am not starting my job til July, so I decided to do a motorcycle trip. I embarked on my roughly 4000 mile trip this morning, leaving Springfield MO and headed to Minnesota. After 10 hours and 550 miles avoiding all highways, I finally made it to Blue Earth, where I have family. So I am lodging here tonight, then tomorrow will leave and head up to royalton MN to stay with my grandparents for a while. Over the next to Weeks I will be cruising around Minnesota visiting my very large family. The nex legs will consist of Wisconsin, from milwaukee up around to the upper peninsula of Michigan, then across to port Huron Michigan to see some friends, and working my way back to Missouri visiting college buddies along the way.

Oh, and the entirety of Iowa was extemely boring. I will upload one pic that pretty much sums it up. Also If anyone is on this route or close to it, I'd be open to meeting up for lunch or something. I have a very flexible schedule, no real time deadlines to hit, as long as I'm home by the end of June. Lol

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Sounds like it will be a nice memory for years to come. Can't wait for the pictures. You should also give us a picture of your FZ all toured up. Good luck and have a safe trip!:rockon:
Sounds like a great trip! Check out the thread for Minnesota riders in the local scene category. There is a tentative ride planned by a guy and his friends this Saturday, so if you are in MN by then, you should join!
Depending on where you came up through Iowa it is pretty boring here, the east and west borders are both awesome rides due to having rivers on them but otherwise its largely boring unfortunately. Minnesota and Wisconsin are great though! Enjoy your ride and congrats on the graduation! I graduated about 2 weeks ago also!
You are so lucky to be able to do this ride before you join the rat race. Have fun and ride safe. If you get to Chicago, give me a holler!
That's fantastic. Congratulations on graduation! :thumbup: Sounds like you are going to have a great month of June. Ride safe and enjoy the ride!
Well guys, I made it to royalton, MN. It was better than yesterday, not near as windy, and my grandparents were happy to see me. Going fishing with my grandpa tomorrow. I will be getting some pics up, but ive got to get to a computer to do that, preferably one a little faster than my grandparents 20 year old thing. Lol
Just bought my son a 04' fz project bike for his graduation present. Hopefully he will do something similar. Sounds like great times, hope you have a fun. Keep us posted.
Doing a post graduation pre real life ride had always been a dream of mine.

But alas I had to start working almost immediately after I graduated. Stipulation of the job offer and the need to make money immediately.

A piece of advice....

You have a month to do a ride of a life time...don't waste it riding around to visit friends and family....get out there and go visit places in the U.S. that you will never expect to see again...

I missed my opportunity to take a month to ride around the U.S. after I graduated, like I always planned to do...don't miss out on this once in a lifetime opportunity.

Trust me once you start working and getting into a normal work/life routine you will never have the opportunity again to do least not while you're a relatively young man anyway...
Doing a post graduation pre real life ride had always been a dream of mine.

But alas I had to start working almost immediately after I graduated. Stipulation of the job offer and the need to make money immediately.

A piece of advice....

You have a month to do a ride of a life time...don't waste it riding around to visit friends and family....get out there and go visit places in the U.S. that you will never expect to see again...

I missed my opportunity to take a month to ride around the U.S. after I graduated, like I always planned to do...don't miss out on this once in a lifetime opportunity.

Trust me once you start working and getting into a normal work/life routine you will never have the opportunity again to do least not while you're a relatively young man anyway...
+1 Sounds like great advice.
Well on one hand I agree with you, on the other hand, I get free room and board, get to ride roads I've never toured before in great country with awesome scenery, and get to do other awesome things, like go with my Grandpa fishing, the only boat on the entire lake, with little wind and about 65 degrees and beautiful!!!


Also, I rode from Royalton to Alexandria, then went on a ride with my Uncle, he's got a bike as well, around the area on some gorgeous roads around all of the lakes, then rode down this evening to visit my aunt, and tomorrow I'm going to celebrate a cousins 21st birthday in St. Francis, MN.

Also, here is the pic of my girl on a back road in Minnesota.

Well if anyone hasn't gotten bored about the post grad trip thougt I would let everyone know what ive been up to. Friday I went on a bicycle ride with my grandma, it was an absolutely gorgeous day. Then I got back on the ol fz and headed out. Rode across Minnesota, hitting a lot of gravel and going around some very beautiful lakes, it was an awesome ride. Then this weekend I saw some mor of Minnesota, got a little drunk with my cousin and some friends, rode a dirt bike for the first time, even went off a jump. Now this week im doing a bunch of fishing, as well as canoeing. then ill be headed off across Wisconsin. I'll post the link for my route an if anyone is on the route and wants to meet up, eat, maybe ride with for a bit you should let me know.

Also, the weekend of the 16th I will ne going from port Huron Michigan up and through the UP. I will be camping the whole way through. If anyone would care to join I would be more than happy to have a riding buddy.

Edit. Heres my route for Saturday/Sunday. Staying sat night in Winona.
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Doing a post graduation pre real life ride had always been a dream of mine.

But alas I had to start working almost immediately after I graduated. Stipulation of the job offer and the need to make money immediately.

A piece of advice....

You have a month to do a ride of a life time...don't waste it riding around to visit friends and family....get out there and go visit places in the U.S. that you will never expect to see again...

I missed my opportunity to take a month to ride around the U.S. after I graduated, like I always planned to do...don't miss out on this once in a lifetime opportunity.

Trust me once you start working and getting into a normal work/life routine you will never have the opportunity again to do least not while you're a relatively young man anyway...

I agree with this, but you've got to do what feels right to you. You went fishing with grandpa and on a bicycle ride with grandma, neither of which many of us have the opportunity to do with our loved ones that have passed away. Maybe try and balance seeing friends/family with seeing things you may never see again, Have a great time and keep us informed. Ride safe
Oh yes, of course im riding, I have a total of 4000 miles to ride. I'm touring Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, and the up. Being from Missouri I have never ridden minnesot, and since family is spaced out I can ride, have a free place to stay, and free meals. Its a pretty sweet deal. Plus I love everything outdoors cycling, fishing, hunting, biking, anything. So its an awesome vacation. Towards the end of June im going backpacking, canoing, and fishing for 4 days in the boundary waters. Its going to be sweet.
Awesome! Enjoy the ride and be safe! I'm riding from West Palm Beach to Laconia, NH bike week. Leaving next Tuesday. Looking forward to it...
Thanks for all the well wishes guys. I'll be uploading some pics when I get home. I'm up in the u.p. Right now, getting all soggy.
Hey guys, does anyone live along the eastern border of Iowa? I am going to be traveling through there on my way home, and was wondering if anyone lived in that area that I could crash at night. Otherwise not a problem, will be camping instead. Lol. PM me if you're interested in putting up with engineer. :)