Post Count?


Vertically Challenged
Sep 3, 2008
Reaction score
Imperial, Missouri
Visit site
Maybe I just need to go to bed but has anyone else had a post count decrease in the last few days? I thought I just turned 300 a few days ago but now I am at around 290. I also thought I had one more rep point earlier but I may be mistaken about that? No biggie just thought I would ask and see if anyone else noticed anything odd? :confused:
Admin did a reset recently,not sure about post count and rep points but my activity dropped from 100% down to 37.7 % :eek:
Credits have also been reset.
The awards badges have also changed and a few more added ,you can see it under community>experience at the top of the page in the Nav bar.
Ok... now I have to respond just to see where I stand now.... Damn, it's getting LATE here!
Okay... looks like I lost about 75 or so? I know I was over 4700. Maybe he cleared out some old threads and the dead post graveyard? Or, cleared out all the FZ6R stuff that was moved to the new site. Either of those would have an eefect on everyone's counts.