Poor mans 0 dollar streetfighter mod


Junior Member
Mar 22, 2010
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I'm sure its been done before but the gf wanted the streetfighter look on the fz but of course..had no cash. While I was waiting for the toaster oven to finish the powdercoating I came up with this:


*note my sexy home powdercoated rearset!

drag bars are on the way and future plans are for a true fighter, but until we get some more cash this mod works fine. cut down the windscreen and paint it black, and use the stock fairing stay for the headlights. best part is the orig upper fairing remains undamaged and can be thrown up on ebay!
it was really rather easy.

1. remove entire fairing (leaving the fairing stay)
2. put headlight back into fairing stay and screw it in.
3. mock up windscreen and mark out where to cut (ie just above the mirror mounts so you can zip tie it on)
4. cut and spraypaint the INSIDE of the windscreen
5. put it all togther and enjoy spending zero cash :thumbup:

i suppose this only works if you have the same windscreen as the little lady (06)
Wow man. The sincerest form of flattery is imitation? Mind if I blatantly rip this off and do it myself?

My plastics are all beat up, scratched, and missing bits. It doesnt look TOO bad but I think I could save some money and streetfighter the bike. That would be money I could spend on gear and stuff. Only reason I hadnt already was I didnt want to mess with new lights and all that. I tried just taking off the plastics on the front but it looked weird. Now that I know it can look like this ill give it another go.

I already have a puig racing screen that is dark smoke, but I think it would be better to chop up my stock screen.

I think I will def be giving this a shot.

thanks for posting!!!!!!!!! Looks great!!!!!!!!!!
While I was waiting for the toaster oven to finish the powdercoating I came up with this:

*note my sexy home powdercoated rearset!

Tell me more and show more pics on this one too. Don't be shy.

Can't really tell from the pics.... Did it come up alright? What/How did you do it?

Yes please do tell more, I've been wanting to get rid of all my scraped up plastics also but have no $$$!!! And, can you put up a picture of what it all looks like from rider position? Thanks!
ok ive just spent an hour trying to get all my front plastics off. there is something still holding on to the front one. ill deal with that in another thread i guess.

but how did you deal with all the wiring that is glued/connected to the fairing on the side of it???? theres SO much of it!!!!!
ok ive just spent an hour trying to get all my front plastics off. there is something still holding on to the front one. ill deal with that in another thread i guess.

but how did you deal with all the wiring that is glued/connected to the fairing on the side of it???? theres SO much of it!!!!!

I have had mine all apart recently, there wasn't anything glued to mine. There are some screws that are kind of hidden though, make sure you have them all out and it should come off easy.
look for the tiny screw just behind the speedo...loosen the headlight bolts from the fairing stay and it all comes off.

go ahead and take the idea man, thats why I posted it into the forums, i'll hit everyone with a in the seat shot tomorrow, my gf LOVES it.

powdercoat turned out real nice, just need a decent setup and the time.. I dont mind doing some work for forum members....I have done alot for friends and r6 forum members. drop me a pm
Due to my last-ride crash in October, this was one of the options I was considering, but without the windscreen. The only undamaged portion of my front end was the windscreen, so I may use it anyway.

My main hold-up is what to do about turn signals? I don't see any on yours.
That actually looks pretty darn good. I did the same thing on the Bandit last year while I was waiting on a new fairing piece to come in. The only complaint I had was that I got a high pitched whistle from something ? maybe the headlight bracket? The cost vs. looks is a good mod. :thumbup:

I love it, looks awesome....only thing i would do differently, is remove the mirrors as well, and put some bar end mirrors on...but that's just my thing, i love bar end mirrors, rather than the "antler" look.

Great job!

I love it, looks awesome....only thing i would do differently, is remove the mirrors as well, and put some bar end mirrors on...but that's just my thing, i love bar end mirrors, rather than the "antler" look.

Great job!


yea wolfman I agree, trying to source a decent pair..first things first tho, gotta get some crash bars
Very nice! My bike is currently in the same state except I don't even have a windshield and I have two different mirrors (one oem and one on the handlebars with integrated turn signal. I have a tendency to break oem right mirrors).

Did you take any picture with the windshield in all its height (not trimmed)? I would rather get a complete one so that it will be more comfortable on long rides but it might look a little too dorky.

I didn't see your front turn signal nor any mention of them, do you have any?

I have no idea where to put them and what to get. My only thought would be to stick flushmount somewhere like in the frame where there are two empty holes from the fairing.
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I've got this mostly done now, but my wiring is a mess. It is partially hidden but problems are:

1) how do you get the windscreen in place? It usually screws into the fairing. Without the fairing, I used zip-ties and water will get in if I ride in rain.

2) where the heck is your wiring!! Seriously, there is so much of it, yet you cant see any of it in your pictures, what did you do with it? I managed to get a bunch under the windscreen but a big massive cable somes up the left side of the bike just to the side of the fork and is definitely an eyesore.

3) sight-lines from behind and to the side of the c0ckpit leave something to be desired. There has to be a way to hide the back of the headlights and rough unfinished plastic bits. And if that is in fact possible, if we could stuff some of the wiring into that as well that would round this off perfectly.

These are the only 3 drawbacks but I am pleased at how nice it looks. Soon as these 3 are dealt with then this will be a great mod. We need a poorman's solution for it though!!

Still great mod tho.