POLL: Riding position: Feet/Legs

Mid-corner, your riding position is such that:

  • 1........see main first post

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SuperFlanker Moderator
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Apr 19, 2008
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Surrey, UK
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Might not be something you can answer until after your next ride. So do the poll the courtesy of only answering when you are SURE of the answer for yourself. It is one thing to sit at your desk and look at the ground and envision what you would do, and another to check what you have done when your mind is in the corner.

When hitting a corner, mid corner have a feel for how you have positioned your feet and legs. Do you find that, mid corner, your positioning is:

(Note the "hanging off" bits are on the inside of the corner)

1) Feet and knees parallel to one another, including hanging-off foot...and your hanging-off heel is elevated higher than your toe

2) Feet and knees parallel to one another, including hanging-off foot...and your hanging-off heel is elevated even with your toe

3) Hanging-off foot is rotated slightly so heel is closer to bike than toe, knees parallel to one another...and your hanging-off heel is elevated higher than your toe

4) Hanging-off foot is rotated slightly so heel is closer to bike than toe, knees parallel to one another...and your hanging-off heel is elevated even with your toe

5) Hanging-off foot is rotated slightly so heel is further from the bike than the toe...and your hanging-off heel is elevated higher than your toe

6) Hanging-off foot is rotated slightly so heel is further from the bike than the toe...and your hanging-off heel is elevated even with your toe

And I would appreciate it if some of the track legends among us would enlighten us as to the correct positioning.

But any ideas from even the non-legendary among us would be good input.

(Note poll is public, so if you are extremely fragile and sensitive you might be better off in a closet, tucked under some beach-towels cowering in a fetal position, rocking back and forth)
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I tend to move my feet around all over the pegs,so for me,every corner is different depending on the sharpness,speed etc and of course how fast the entry speed is.
To be honest #5 & 6 confuse me :) If it helps any, here are 2 great vids on body position that I find to be good. For street riding you just do less of everything :D

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxODoscChNo&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - body positioning[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxb5nRufuZ8&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - body positioning 2[/ame]

I think I'm going with #3
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Suppose I'm turning left.

My left toe is near the end of the peg; my left heel is higher than my toe and touching the top of the left heel guard. In essense, my left foot is anchored at two points -- toe on peg, heel on top of heel guard. This allows my leg to stick out more to the side. I used to just keep my left foot on the toe on the peg and it always felt a little awkward if I had to stay there too long (e.g., on an exit ramp).

I'm glad you asked this because I've been trying to figure out best foot position on the hanging off foot. And what I said above is what others on other forums suggested.

If I'm going to do switchbacks/esses etc., I will just stay on my toes because it takes some time to get my foot positioned as above. I don't know if I can quickly do it from side to side.

I voted for 4 inside heel elevated and closer to bike. The only difference for me is that I usually stick out my inside knee a bit on the tighter corners so that my knees are no longer parallel. Made me think about it though! :thumbup:
I tend to move my feet around all over the pegs,so for me,every corner is different depending on the sharpness,speed etc and of course how fast the entry speed is.

This. I find my riding positions change drastically depending on circumstance.
For example, I am not putting my knee out on high-speed benders, I keep my body tight to the bike, keeping my body weight to the inside of the bike's centerline.
I'm assuming you're asking about mid-speed turns. In that case I keep toes on pegs, heels on heel guards, knee out.

I'm confused by the options....
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Yeah, your average corner when you size it up, line it up, and tear it up. Good responses though, and interesting feedback and poll selections.
I went with #3.
During medium to aggressive turning my inside heel just feels right as it raises up slightly and rotates in towards the bike as my derriere slides towards the inside of the turn.
I'm waiting for Misti to chime in, lol ........

me tooooooooooo


Ok, so I'm going with #3 but you should know that my knees are not always parallel. My inside heel is always closer to the bike and higher than my toe. Sometimes my knees are parallel if I'm not riding that hard or hanging off that much. Most of the time my inside knee is rotated out and pointed to the ground (or dragging) :) Hope that helps.

It didn't say anything about the outside leg and what it is doing. Just an FYI, my outside heel is elevated higher than my toes as well because it helps me get my outside knee locked to the tank tighter.



PS. I clicked answer #5 by accident on the poll and am trying to fix that now....
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I think I am either 5 or 6 but I fail to understand them enough to vote confidently. I just got back from a ride to the eye doctor and I was working on body position on my way there and back, so I have a picture in my head, but don't know which category it would fall under.

My inside leg is pointed out (not parallel knees, so 5 or 6), toe slightly pointed down
My outside leg is closer to the tank, but not right on it (working on that) and the toe is also pointed up a bit.

Which does that sound like?
I can't read...

I'm on the balls of my feet, legs are V shaped.

Back in the day my outer foot was off the peg and my heal was hooked under the side-cover/subframe. The inner foot it rotated out. Face was pretty much centered over the cluster. Most of my butt was hung off the saddle.

Today feet stay on the pegs, on the balls of my feet, inner foot is rotated out, face is in front of where the mirror would been. Half of butt is off the saddle. Unless of course I get into a dice and the reflexes take over, then I revert back 25 years ago. ;)

Circa 1988:

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