POLL: Do you Cross the Double Yellow?

Do you Cross the Double Yellow?

  • NEVER - I stay in my lane and wait for passing zones

    Votes: 131 36.5%
  • YES - to pass ONLY (assuming it's clear/clean/no driveways etc.)

    Votes: 171 47.6%
  • YES - to pass AND to hit the perfect apex WHEN CLEAR

    Votes: 52 14.5%
  • YES - to pass AND to hit the perfect apex RECKLESSLY

    Votes: 3 0.8%
  • YES - By accident when blowing turns

    Votes: 25 7.0%
  • OTHER - please explain

    Votes: 8 2.2%

  • Total voters
No, you're smart. Operating outside of the norm, doing what other vehicles don't expect you to do is begging for trouble even if it's clear you can make the pass.

Your comments are so polarizing.

I think the vast majority of people in the US would say they choose not to own/ride a motorcycle because they are "smart". Well, some might word it in a less offensive way but you get the point.

BTW, on twisty roads, getting passed or letting others pass is the norm for "slower moving traffic" (broadly defined) in my world. I've had California Highway Patrol wave me by on twisty roads more than once before.

It's too easy to be killed by a careless driver turning in front of us - why would we want to increase the odds of getting hurt/killed by our own decisions?

I think you're waaaay oversimplifying things. How much riding experience do you have?
BTW, on twisty roads, getting passed or letting others pass is the norm for "slower moving traffic" (broadly defined) in my world. I've had California Highway Patrol wave me by on twisty roads more than once before.

California sounds like a different country! I cannot picture troopers ever doing that here in NJ :(
I voted only if I'm blowing the turn. Happens less and less these days. Hit a peg too hard the other day though, I broke the feeler off my right side. Hit that apex perfect though.
I don't cross the double yellow center line.

Motorists in Northern Michigan are not accustomed to motorcycles filtering past them and it's just not worth taking the risk.

I understand why folks do it, but it's just not for this hombre.
Nice thread Nate,
I pass on the solid white lines as long as it’s safe to do so and the road conditions offer good traction.
I don't limit the passing to the straights. If a bend opens up with a good view of what’s ahead I take the opportunities as they arise. I try to do it in a none threatening manner that allows myself and the car room for error.
I won't do it if I have nowhere to move to in front of the car I have passed. The police are thin on the ground where I live but, everyone knows everyone. It would be a great way of not winning friends or favours.
I am always cautious on unknown roads and don't really see the point of going past 3 or more cars just to get ahead. There will always be an opportunity you just need a little patience.
The ride can be just as exhilarating for me when I just relax and chill for a few miles + save some fuel lol. I think that I justify my riding style by the fact that I haven’t crashed or caused any accidents whilst doing it. Is this a false sense of security and justification?
Ultimately the ability to make progress and pass cars is one of the great joys of riding a motorcycle for me

YouTube - Trying out another angle

1:12 and 2:01 are the type of passes I wouldn't think twice to do :) I wish the camera was mounted on my windshield so that you guys could actually see ahead. It's kinda hard to judge visibility when my ass is blocking everything :BLAA:

I like the soundtrack that Wilson used for his video. But it would have even been a better video if it was female rider.

I think that it should be a law that any vehicle who has traffic behind them on a two lane highway must use the first available turnout. This would eliminate a lot of the double yellow passing.

Most driver's in California are very good in using the turnouts, letting motorcyclist continue on at a faster pace. That's why I like riding in California so much. They actually acknowledge motorcyclist, not all but a heck of a lot more than any other states I have ridden in.
Short answer..I do it when it's safe to do so.

If I wanted to follow a line of Prius' through the mountains doing 30 mph for 20 miles I'd be in my car with the air conditioning on, sipping on Starbucks and listening to iTunes. :D
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Only when safe. If it's on one of our local favorite roads, Montezuma, it's particularly frustrating when drivers don't use the turnouts, even when there are signs telling them that slower traffic should use the turnouts. Total buzz kill.

Also when riding in "the group", I usually wait for Motogiro or Cali Rider to wave us through! :D
Around this neck of the woods a lot of previously Ok overtaking spots have been removed due to them putting in short occasional overtaking lanes where everyone speeds up and no one actually gets to overtake without exceeding the speed limit massively. An eg. there is a spot on Sellick's Hill where I can see for 2km, and it now has double lines.

Therefore I consider the double lines to be put there by do-gooders to make them feel safe, as they don't have their own judgement skills.

I, on the other hand know that I can overtake in a flash, and only need a very short clear section of road to do so. I know that driveways and intersections make it a dangerous move. I know that in esses the crests caused by the camber of the road will cause my front wheel to shoot skyward if I go too hard. I also know that those rules were created with cars in mind.

Now some people will say that if the person in front turns I am in trouble.

Some people say that if it's alright for me to cross the double lines, then what's to stop the other person from doing the same?

A: Nothing. I'd still hope they would use an indicator and check to see they weren't cutting anyone off....I do. I don't expect them to do any of those things though...I expect them to try to kill me one way or another and act accordingly. If the person in front pulls out on me it's no real drama. I'll roll off, or go harder depending on the situation. I only go when I've got plenty of time.:thumbup:

Er.... I mean this friend does:BLAA:
I don't think I've been on any good roads that don't have passing zones that are more then a few minutes away. Many of my usual routes have roads with no lines but will have "No Passing Zone" signs for dangerous sections. There was one town I went through that had signs up that would say things like "Broken Pavement Motorcycles use caution" "Slow Traffic Ahead Motorcycles Beware".

Most of the drivers I come up on quickly, will slow down and wave me by. I will pass on double yellow if the car is well below the speed limit but if they are going over the limit I just wait for a passing zone. When I was younger I'm pretty sure I wasn't as patient.

If your one that can't wait please be careful. If you don't care about yourself remember you can affect others.
Hmmmm, depends on my mood, depends on what riding mode i am, depends whether i can see far enough up the road to do so "safely". I do believe though, that what should be a double white line for cars, is sometimes not needed for bike's, especially bikes that have enough power to get past in a car in metres...

Common sense must prevail if you want to stay safe at all times...and all road riding should be done at no more than 7/10th's of your own riding talent limitations....then in just about all cases, you should have enough time to get you outta the poop in most emergency situations...

If you are riding at more than 7/10th's, you must be prepared to deal with the consequences that this may inflict....and take responsibility for your own actions...

People that ride like maniacs on busy roads, or built up area's are a menace, and make life for the rest of us (who are doing as much as we think is reasonable to stay safe, and not cause harm to other road users), look bad.

I am no "Angel" on the road, but i generally make sure i aint gonna take anyone else with me if i do bin it.

Great idea for a thread....some fantastic responses.

I certainly do especially in my home city since I can get away with it...:D
I do it occasionally outside once I make sure the po-po isn't watching.

There is no way in heck I'm going to wait behind a slow poke. Yes I am impatient.

I just gotta ask, I see the "...only if I know there are no police ("p-po")..." Why? If you've got the cahones to do something when you KNOW the "po-po" aren't around, then you should have the cahones to do the same when you know the "po-po" ARE around. After all, if the laws and rules of the road are only made for those who follow them, regardless of whether there are police around or not, why the inhibitions?

Just curious...

Now back to the regularly scheduled thread (sorry for the jack) :BLAA: :spank:

Never for me. I've seen too many close calls of vehicles crossing as they're approaching ME in my pickup; most of the incidents, the only way I've avoided a head on is using emergency braking and swerving - people are nuts.
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Hmmmm, depends on my mood, depends on what riding mode i am, depends whether i can see far enough up the road to do so "safely". I do believe though, that what should be a double white line for cars, is sometimes not needed for bike's, especially bikes that have enough power to get past in a car in metres...

Common sense must prevail if you want to stay safe at all times...and all road riding should be done at no more than 7/10th's of your own riding talent limitations....then in just about all cases, you should have enough time to get you outta the poop in most emergency situations...

If you are riding at more than 7/10th's, you must be prepared to deal with the consequences that this may inflict....and take responsibility for your own actions...

People that ride like maniacs on busy roads, or built up area's are a menace, and make life for the rest of us (who are doing as much as we think is reasonable to stay safe, and not cause harm to other road users), look bad.

I am no "Angel" on the road, but i generally make sure i aint gonna take anyone else with me if i do bin it.

Great idea for a thread....some fantastic responses.

I'm crap at fractions mate

I just gotta ask, I see the "...only if I know there are no police ("p-po")..." Why? If you've got the cahones to do something when you KNOW the "po-po" aren't around, then you should have the cahones to do the same when you know the "po-po" ARE around.

For real?

Do you ever exceed the posted speed limit? Would you do so with a cruiser on your tail? Have you ever slowed down when you saw a speed trap? :confused:

Cahones have nothing to do with this.
Voted never. It's hardwired into my brain:

When I was seventeen I was driving amongst a caravan of cars. At a left turn with a stop sign my friend, who was driving behind me, thought it would be great to pass me on the inside while making the turn. In my infinite, 17 year old wisdom, I decided to return the favor shortly thereafter.

Unfortunately, I the point I picked was on a slight uphill from a crest and around a slight turn. When reached the crest on the wrong side of the double lines all I saw were headlights. Luckily, through the combination of me swerving back to the right (my friend slowed down) and the headlighted car being on top of things and swerving right, there was no carnage. But that's where the real fun began.

My girlfriend, in the car with me, looked back, and I heard "OMG, that was a cop! I look in the rearview mirror and sure enough I saw red and blue lights. Again, in my infinite 17 year old wisdom, I thought the best thing would be to take the next quick right, bolt up a hill, park in a driveway and run into some unknown person's garage. Brilliant strategy.

We watched the cop race straight pass the house. As I was making a celebratory exhale, the cop car slams on the brakes and outs it into reverse. Knowing I was toast, we walked out of the unknown garage to greet him.

After reading me the riot act about how he could cuff me right there for a slew of infractions including evading arrest and trespassing, he told me he was just giving me a ticket for passing in a no passing zone. As my second celebratory exhale of the day was in mid-stream, he then said "now we are all going to go to the young lady's house and explain to her parents what happened today, and then we are going to go to yours and talk to your parents." I would have rather been cuffed.

To this day, every time I think about making a pass across double yellow, unless waved ahead, this story comes back to me in a flash.
White line here too... we call it a barrier line for obvious reasons.

I do it on the bike when it is safe and I can see a long way off. I never blast a line of cars though, I hop them one at a time and 9/10 times they pull left to let me through.

In the car... never ever EVER although I do see it a lot.
Voted never. It's hardwired into my brain:

When I was seventeen I was driving amongst a caravan of cars. At a left turn with a stop sign my friend, who was driving behind me, thought it would be great to pass me on the inside while making the turn. In my infinite, 17 year old wisdom, I decided to return the favor shortly thereafter.

Unfortunately, I the point I picked was on a slight uphill from a crest and around a slight turn. When reached the crest on the wrong side of the double lines all I saw were headlights. Luckily, through the combination of me swerving back to the right (my friend slowed down) and the headlighted car being on top of things and swerving right, there was no carnage. But that's where the real fun began.

My girlfriend, in the car with me, looked back, and I heard "OMG, that was a cop! I look in the rearview mirror and sure enough I saw red and blue lights. Again, in my infinite 17 year old wisdom, I thought the best thing would be to take the next quick right, bolt up a hill, park in a driveway and run into some unknown person's garage. Brilliant strategy.

We watched the cop race straight pass the house. As I was making a celebratory exhale, the cop car slams on the brakes and outs it into reverse. Knowing I was toast, we walked out of the unknown garage to greet him.

After reading me the riot act about how he could cuff me right there for a slew of infractions including evading arrest and trespassing, he told me he was just giving me a ticket for passing in a no passing zone. As my second celebratory exhale of the day was in mid-stream, he then said "now we are all going to go to the young lady's house and explain to her parents what happened today, and then we are going to go to yours and talk to your parents." I would have rather been cuffed.

To this day, every time I think about making a pass across double yellow, unless waved ahead, this story comes back to me in a flash.

Sounds like a real smart cop that made the most of the situation. Thanks for sharing. What city did this happen in?