Please watch your six riders.... RIP to all of them.

OMG. That is just horrific.

I couldn't look at the video.

It doesn't matter how safe you are, it can always be some idiot in a car or truck who is not paying attention.

I see drivers all the time - reading paperwork, on the phone, getting something off their passenger seat.

I wish they could all see things like this and know what the consequences are.

As for the pillions - probably wives/girlfriends.

This is just awful.

RIP fellow riders.
RIP, that is absolutely terrible... I hope the truck driver gets involuntary manslaughter 9 times over...

Admitted he was not paying attention? and bowled over 8 bikes? I want to reach cross country and slap him...
I really hate to hear that, that happened 3 times last year, at the exact same spot here in my town (TN). whats bad is its in town with a 35 mph speed limit. Bikes stopped at a red light and i know 2 of them women drives in SUV's just got em. Its so sad that you have to watch everyone else on the road and cant really enjoy as much as we 2 wheel riders should be able too.

Absolutely terrible, kinda makes one wary of riding, regardless of our safety, it's all the other stupid drivers out there!!
The video (thank God!) isn't graphic, just hard to swallow. The reporters there are saying 5 dead and 10 bikes involved. There were two helicopters waiting for patients.

That driver will pay dearly but nothing the law can do to him will outweigh the guilt he will suffer for the rest of his life. I'm not saying he deserves any sympathy but he sure deserves a life in prison where he cannot possibly drive another vehicle again.
Thank you for posting this.

May they RIP and the injured recover quickly.

Been riding my naked conversion for months without mirrors. Not anymore.
crazy. riding in groups scares me. I wonder if any of them saw that truck barreling up on them and tried to get out of the way.
i try to keep an eye on my mirrors until the stuff behind me is stopped at lights and such. sometimes i make assumptions.

this is a massive event. semi trucks and motorcycles are just the two opposite ends of the spectrum.

RIP dudes. nothing you could have done really.

News like this, shouldn't be a problem passsing that lane splitting bill in Arizona anymore.

Remember, we have no crumple zones.

Not sure how easliy it would have been able to manuever out of the way when you're in a group, but whenever I stop behind a vehicle at a red light, I am always either off to one side of the lane just in a case I need to split between vehicles.

I never stop directly behind the center of the vehicle, but you see so many riders continue to do so. But I guarantee you come out of my class, you won't.
I think for now on, I'm stopping behind and to the right or left of the car in front of me -- ready to lane split if I see something coming from behind.

How could he have his nose in paper for so long while driving?
My thoughts go out to everyone involved.
RIP to the lost
Dreadful accident, and so unexpected, RIP. And just read in my local paper an off-duty policeman from a nearby town killed last week on a road half a mile up the road from me, no other vehicles involved, daylight, good conditions, riding a Yamaha cruiser...all makes me ride that bit more defensively.
How could he have his nose in paper for so long while driving?
My thoughts go out to everyone involved.
RIP to the lost

My thoughts exactly, what a senseless A'hole the driver is. Will he get the mandatory slap on the wrist and still be able to drive? Claiming a ban will destroy his livelihood.

OMFG I'm literally speechless :(

To realise the value of ONE YEAR, ask a student who failed a grade.

To realise the value of ONE MONTH, ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby.

To realise the value of ONE WEEK, ask the editor of a weekly newspaper.

To realise the value of ONE HOUR, ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.

To realise the value of ONE MINUTE, ask a person who just missed a train.

To realise the value of ONE SECOND, ask someone who just avoided an accident.

To realise the value of ONE MILLISECOND, ask the person who won a silver medal at the Olympics.

Treasure every moment that you have! And treasure it more because you shared it with someone special, special enough to spend your time with. And remember time waits for no one.

Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why its called the present.