Photography Thread !!!

Young female Song Sparrow captured in the holly.
I grabbed a pic of a Texas Spiny Lizard in a tree in our front yard. The blue on the belly means it's a male.

The tan dog is my wife's, it's a Chihuahua mix. She's a really good, calm dog so doesn't exhibit the typical Chihuahua characteristics. And she's a good hunter. I think she's mostly terrier of some sort.

The black dog is mine, he's a Labrador and Beagle mix. He pretty much looks like a smaller Lab.

Sony DLSR 550, Sony 18-135mm, on the lizard flash assisted with small softbox attached to the flash.
A buddy of mine posted a pic of "Balancing Rock", in Arches NP UT, with the Milky Way in the background and the Rock "light-painted", reminded me of this shot I took a few years back:

This is a good spot to ask. My new Nokia phone is a 41 megapixel phone. Is that good?

More megapixels don't always translate to better photos. One important thing to remember about cell phones with cameras is to keep that camera lens clean of finger smudges and such as not doing so will result in "milky", foggy or ghostly looking pics.

Nokia has had some good cameras on phones lately. I haven't read the reviews but I'm sure it's pretty good. The camera in my Samsung Note 2 is better than any others I've had so far but it does elevate saturation so it looks a tad unnatural at times, overly colorful. Sony Z2/Z3 is supposed to be really good.

A lot of times a good photograph isn't so much the camera as it is the photographer, similar to motorcycles. A great rider can make a mediocre bike do good things that a poor rider on a great bike can't. Follow simple rules like the rule of thirds, etc, to achieve better pics. There's plenty of online help for beginners if you look. Not saying you are a beginner but guessing from your question you haven't read any reviews of your phone to see if the camera is worth anything. I've found Digital Photography School has a lot of good reference material to help out anyone. There are many others.