Photography Thread !!!

Hummingbirds are tough little buggars to photograph....this little orange one showed up a few days ago, and has staked his claim to my feeder...he won't let any other bird near it.

Feed the addiction!!!! Stay until you get some Great Photos!!!!
They are QUICK!!!! Mine freak at shutter and leave for 30 minutes! Just an observation; they burn so many calories in the night w/out food that come morning, food is more important than fighting so others will be there.
When replenished - DEFEND the FEEDER!!!!! :Flip:
Yeah, they can be downright mean. But if you hang another feeder around the corner, or on the other side of the house too, you'll get more visitors. The bullies can only defend so much territory at a time. ;)

Great shot!
Last July 4th (2012) I took my visiting Mom to see the local fireworks. We were on a slight rise watching the show to the west, but when I turned around I realized I could see professional shows from three different suburbs and Hill AFB, with the Wasatch Mountains in the background. Thought it'd be a great time exposure from a tripod, so I made a mental note.
This July 4th I set up on the crest of that same rise, facing my to the east. I had lots of helpful people telling me, "Hey, the show will be over there!" :D

I played with the numbers on paper, deciding what aperture/shutter speed/ISO combo would give me the shot I was looking for. Exposure-wise, this was exactly what I wanted, but unfortunately the wide-angle lens I was using (to cover all four shows) rendered them rather small. This was actually the best shot, and its a consumer firework shot from that white house in the foreground! :rolleyes: Ah well, it was an interesting experiment nonetheless.

A few photos from my trip to mountains of Italy, Austria and Switzerland last week.

Lake Lucerne

Blast on the Autobahn, I've got +2 teeth on the rear sprocket so limited top speed but got there quicker and was better for the twisty hairpins.

B500 in Germany, very nice road!! by urbannivag, on Flickr

To give you an idea of what the roads are like carved up the mountains :)
A few photos from my trip to mountains of Italy, Austria and Switzerland last week.

Lake Lucerne

Blast on the Autobahn, I've got +2 teeth on the rear sprocket so limited top speed but got there quicker and was better for the twisty hairpins.

B500 in Germany, very nice road!! by urbannivag, on Flickr

To give you an idea of what the roads are like carved up the mountains :)

OMG - ITS SO BEAUTIFUL THERE!!!! Thanks for Sharing! Greats Photos! :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
Momentary side track.... Here is a page from one of the locals and shots he's taken in the area - He has style all his own and I encourage you to take a look. For me it gave me ideas on ways to do things different. No affiliation, just thought I'd share.

Photography by Tula Top

Also, the main page is a slide show. If you get out of that and into this; , you'll notice you can hover and see the exif info for that shot. Pretty noble of him I'd say.
Feed the addiction!!!! Stay until you get some Great Photos!!!!
They are QUICK!!!! Mine freak at shutter and leave for 30 minutes! Just an observation; they burn so many calories in the night w/out food that come morning, food is more important than fighting so others will be there.
When replenished - DEFEND the FEEDER!!!!! :Flip:

Here's a couple more hummers for ya, Randy. Both from this afternoon and using the flash.

2nd shot was taken at full 300mm zoom from less than 6 ft away to fill the frame.


Momentary side track.... Here is a page from one of the locals and shots he's taken in the area - He has style all his own and I encourage you to take a look. For me it gave me ideas on ways to do things different. No affiliation, just thought I'd share.

Photography by Tula Top

Also, the main page is a slide show. If you get out of that and into this; Tula Top | Rise | Golden Girl , you'll notice you can hover and see the exif info for that shot. Pretty noble of him I'd say.

Very nice shots and cool effects with the super low shutter speeds.

I'd love to get out on hikes like his and get some good landscapes!
Thanks. The more light you can get on the birds, the better they look.

Curious if you could post up the exif info on those some time... Those wings are movin!!!!!

Glad you're using that new lens!! :thumbup:
Camping w/ the zoom at the feeders paid off today. :D

#1 is a Rufous Hummingbird, which are very uncommon around here in July.

#2 is an Anna's Hummingbird, female.


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