Photography Thread !!!

Great thread! Here's some of my shots...









last one for tonight! (this last one has been edited- it's 3 pics combined into one..the closet is one shot, the room is one shot, and the grass is one shot)
They are all great work but WOW , the lighting & tone of this is KILLER !!!! :thumbup: Rep has been given :rockon:

Thanks humpy! I'll try to throw a few more of mine up when I get home this evening. Bought my first camera 6 years ago and loved the hobby ever since! I'm pretty jealous of your L i read about though...Can't be the clarity and sharpness of those lenses, and the DOF you get with one is phenomenal. If only I could muster enough change to justify buying one :( stupid bills :spank:
I just downloaded the latest firmware to my Fuji X10 which included some kind of cool new options including a "toy camera" setting. Here's a couple from my first test pics on tonight's walk with our rescue Yorkie, Mia outing for some ice cream.


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Great pics Humpy and Lefty.

One thing I've noticed (mostly with iPhones and other phone cameras) is the software to "enhance" photos. Sometimes they're good but I'm finding I'm tired of looking at altered photos like that. HDR is another one that's overused. Instagram is annoying too. I like plain photos. If you can't take a good pic you can't take a good pic, you're in the majority. "Good" pics aren't difficult but you do have to at least know how to frame, understand background lighting, etc.

I got creative the other week and changed a photo using grayscale to show the one bike in the foreground in color but the rest of the pic in black and white. Just having fun but rarely do anything to pics to alter them. I like natural for the most part.

Just about every pic on this thread is fantastic and the ones that aren't are good in their own right. This thread is a joy to keep track of so keep posting!
Went on a ride last month but before we left the meetup spot I took a few shots with the DSLR. Nothing spectacular but decided to try my hand at a little editing to make the bikes stand out a little. A Ducati 1098 and BMW S1000RR. This group likes to ride and not stop for scenic photos. Someday I'll get them to stop at a good spot.


I searched for this question to see if it's been discussed, but didn't see anything on it. Do you guys shoot in raw or jpeg? I've shot everything in jpeg up until a week ago I tried raw and holy cow! The things you can do with the picture after its taken is great! BUT, that comes at a price; the time it takes to post-process the images. I think I might stick to jpeg for most things and do raw for some really important shots.

Your opinions/preferences?
I always shoot in RAW. Just make sure you have enough memory card(s).

Edit: Always shoot in raw, because you never know when that one picture might come along and you'll be looking at it on the computer wishing you'd been in RAW and not jpeg so you could tweak this or that to make it something special.
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I searched for this question to see if it's been discussed, but didn't see anything on it. Do you guys shoot in raw or jpeg? I've shot everything in jpeg up until a week ago I tried raw and holy cow! The things you can do with the picture after its taken is great! BUT, that comes at a price; the time it takes to post-process the images. I think I might stick to jpeg for most things and do raw for some really important shots.

Your opinions/preferences?

Great pictures cannot be created in photoshop or with another tool. Great pics are being taken in the field with a camera and by a real man who knows what aperture is, what shutter speed is, what composition is and how to use light. Raw format helps professionals to make their pics better, at the same time this format confuses amateur's minds. Thus, I would not pay so much attention to the formats if I were you:thumbup:
I shoot in raw if I'm doing a low-light shoot, or wedding. (something that can't be simply duplicated and you have one chance to get your shot.) But when I'm just doing pleasure shooting, etc. i keep it in jpeg.
Earlier this year I went to Birmingham, AL, to the Barber Motorsports Museum. I shot both (at same time) and I wound up just editing the JPEG's for internet usage. Haven't touched the RAW pics. Granted I don't have mega-dollar editing software either. After that trip I switched it back to JPEG only.

I'm not a pro by any means, just an enthusiast. I'm of the mindset that before digital and computer editing software folks had to take a genuinely good picture (back in the film days). If you got a good shot then you made a lot of copies. You had to have a lot of patience and experience to get consistently "great" shots. And you produced pretty much natural pictures... what you see is what you get.

Nowadays photo editing is a double edged sword. It can make and break a picture. Editing multiple pics to make one, HDR, etc, is sometimes just too much and unnatural. But some folks like that.

To me there's nothing that can replace a good eye, experience and talent in getting a good shot. Very little to no editing and it's perfect. That's the one that I respect the most. RAW or JPEG, that's up to what you want to do with it.
I always shoot RAW but..... I have noticed that most of the time JPEG are sharper SOOC than RAW images & unless you really know how to use a sharpening tool you can really destroy an otherwise acceptable photo :thumbup:
Earlier this year I went to Birmingham, AL, to the Barber Motorsports Museum. I shot both (at same time) and I wound up just editing the JPEG's for internet usage. Haven't touched the RAW pics. Granted I don't have mega-dollar editing software either. After that trip I switched it back to JPEG only.

I'm not a pro by any means, just an enthusiast. I'm of the mindset that before digital and computer editing software folks had to take a genuinely good picture (back in the film days). If you got a good shot then you made a lot of copies. You had to have a lot of patience and experience to get consistently "great" shots. And you produced pretty much natural pictures... what you see is what you get.

Nowadays photo editing is a double edged sword. It can make and break a picture. Editing multiple pics to make one, HDR, etc, is sometimes just too much and unnatural. But some folks like that.

To me there's nothing that can replace a good eye, experience and talent in getting a good shot. Very little to no editing and it's perfect. That's the one that I respect the most. RAW or JPEG, that's up to what you want to do with it.

People use to play all sorts of games while developing film, the original photoshop, including multiple exposures. Don't discount post-processing. It's not as new as you think.