Photography Thread !!!

It was a little cool this morning, but early bird gets the worm, right? I passed this location on a ride a couple of days ago. I saw the bright yellow canola field in the background behind these old farm buildings and thought it might be a potential photo op. Here's my shoot this morning.

16x9 @1920x1080 of above

These were shot with my 24-105mm lens. I took a few with the 16-35mm and definitely not as impressed with those results.

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@bd43 - Absolutely awesome!! Brilliant shots...

and now as announced earlier.... World SBK Qualifying from Silverstone yesterday... nice weather, 250 miles round trip and got some good multi-bike shots... :thumbup:






John Hopkins (211)... wildcard entry... amazingly took pole.... Race day (today) was still 2 wins for Checa

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I spent yesterday at a friends little girls 1st birthday party , not a lot of fun but snapped a few randoms I was happy with :D Eldery folk always photograph so well , I havent photoshopped them yet but give me a few days to crop & play & we'll compare the end results :thumbup:
Here are some shots from an awesome fireworks display in Halifax NS followed up by a RETARDED Lightning Storm Last night.
Here are some shots from an awesome fireworks display in Halifax NS followed up by a RETARDED Lightning Storm Last night.

What is the trick to lightning photography ?? I have never been able to achieve it & with our storm season on the way im keen as mustard to get amongst it :D
What is the trick to lightning photography ?? I have never been able to achieve it & with our storm season on the way im keen as mustard to get amongst it :D

i) small aperture, long shutter speed (10-20 sec), low ISO,
ii) camera on tripod pointed at an area where lightning is expected
iii) fingers crossed
iv) ???

@bd43 - I use a cheapo Tamron 70-300 f4.5-5.6. on a Canon 1000d Fire off enough shots and you get a few keepers like that... about (10-20 %)....
i) small aperture, long shutter speed (10-20 sec), low ISO,
ii) camera on tripod pointed at an area where lightning is expected
iii) fingers crossed
iv) ???

@bd43 - I use a cheapo Tamron 70-300 f4.5-5.6. on a Canon 1000d Fire off enough shots and you get a few keepers like that... about (10-20 %)....

Thanks mate :thumbup: They are predicting a bit of a storm on sunday arvo so if it delivers i'll be out to practice :D
i) small aperture, long shutter speed (10-20 sec), low ISO,
ii) camera on tripod pointed at an area where lightning is expected
iii) fingers crossed
iv) ???

@bd43 - I use a cheapo Tamron 70-300 f4.5-5.6. on a Canon 1000d Fire off enough shots and you get a few keepers like that... about (10-20 %)....

Yup. I shot those at 23sec, ISO 200, f 13. I was huddled behind a shortened Tripod in the back of My ford Edge with the hatch up on the top of a hill in the middle of a storm cell.

I took about 50 shots and ended up with 5 or 6 keepers.
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Just bought my girl a 550D with the twin lens kit, a handful of extra filters and a sun-hood. She loves it, which is great for me, as I'll get her old pentax K series.
Nice stuff!!!
I have a 500d and I got the extra battery grip bit/thing that bolts on, which makes the camera feel a bit more full sized, and it lasts for thousands of shots (well over a thousand, i took 1200+ shots one day and it was still going strong)!!! Plus you get a connector that will take AA batteries incase your proper batteries run out which is great as well! I keep a set of 16 batteries in my camera bag just incase.

Its a great little camera, I took video with it for a video editing class at uni, and it did an awesome job.