Photo contest!!!!


Elite Member
Mar 28, 2008
Reaction score
Shelburne, VT
Visit site

So..after some consulting, we are going to have a photo contest!! This is to kick off the new forum swag shop .... so here are the rules:

1. Must be your bike. No borrowing..

2. Must upload no more than 3..

3. Please upload here below. We will decide off of this thread, so please post. if you need help then please ask and we will help you out..

4. After entrys are picked, there will be a public poll... so no one is getting left out. majority rules!!

5. Since I am going to provide the cash, I get to pick the entrys.. please feel free everyone to post your thoughts about the pictures to help me pick them..

6. I will pick 3 entrys to vote on..

7. No photophop entries..

hopefully no other questions.. just a general photo contest.. nice and simple..

this will run the weekend.. sunday will be the voting day.. hopefully i can get to writing these threads. :rolleyes:.. but let try this right...


1st Place - $25 gift card to the Forum Swag Shot :thumbup:

Time line.

picture entry is open till sunday morning.. I'll get up early on my time and pic out the 3 entrys we will vote on.. then voting will be open for 1 day... then whoever wins will get a $25 gift card to the swag shop.. Hows that for a contest!!!

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2. Must upload no more than 3..
So im guessing i can do three photos?

here goes...




if anyone can tell me how to resize... ill make em a little smaller... i have tried to drag the corners to the right size, but it always posts as the original size anyway... :rolleyes:

Great idea!
mmmm... no sorry... lots of people also cant use photoshop very well so i dont want to put anyone at a disadvantage.. thanks for bringing it up though...
i read your other post.. now im confused... are these just suppose to be good pics? or unique pics? if so i have 3 unique ones i would rather do... :confused:
ill just start my own contest then!! and nobody will be allowed to submit but me. grand prize will be an all expense paid vacation to my living room.

didnt you just buy your bike a few weeks ago? and you already have wheelie shots?

no had it for over a year now. rode it for 5 months and put on 10,000km.

and about the oil change....what oil change? I dont know what your talking about.....

ok.. sorry for the confusion. but post up any picture as long as the fz6 is in it.. and the pic cant be photoshop'ed.. thats it.. post up any pic with the bike in it and you could win.. :)
umm... i think if nobody else enters in like the next few hours.. im gonna have to pull my pics out... because if i happen to win im gonna feel like a total loser winning only by default :rolleyes:

in other words...

Here are some old pictures, I found the last one while searching thru the files and figured what the hell.
Some of you probably seen this before, one of my first blasts into Derbyshire after work. Combined my two loves, biking and photography... = bliss

(edit to increase size of image)

(Edit picture withdrawn as I have posted it before)
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Can we make this photos that have never appeared on here before otherwise people will not get out and make the effort they will just reach for a disc and put on the same old pics again...and again...and again....

It would also be quite nice to see the owner in the pic sometimes.

And that is not a pop at anyone whao has already posted.

hahaha.. no but i will start the actual vote a bit later on today.. th site seemed to be down for me yesterday for like havlf the day.. so ill wait on starting the vote to let some others get their pictures in.. but looking good so far!!! :)