People are morons - close call


Junior Member
Oct 3, 2011
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New York
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On my way to work this morning I am making a right turn off of 1st avenue onto 96th street to get on the FDR. There are three lanes at that etrance. Middle and left lane are straight lanes to enter the FDR going north, and the right lane is a right turn lane to enter going south.

As I always do I make my right turn directly into the middle lane and prepare to stop at the light, and eventually get on the FDR northbound and begin my commute. All of a sudden some numb nuts old dude apparently thinks he can scoot past me from the left lane or something and hits the side of my bike. My all metal bar end rear view scrapes nearly the entirety of the rigth side of his car, at which point he finally realizes that I am there and that the idiotic move he tried to pull is a fail and he stops.

I wasn't knocked off the bike and there is no damage, just got a little jostled, recovered, and when he stopped I pulled ahead and stopped at the light.

I almost couldnt believe how moronic this guy was and it was just one of those mornings that reminded me of the idiocy of society. I turned, raised my arms so as to ask "WTF are you doing??!" to which he didnt respondd but just stared blankly ahead like a deer caught in the headlights. I then waited for the light to turn green, promptly gave him the finger, and went on my way.

Glad you're ok!

Lucky escape, could have been SO much worse!


Thanks man.

Totally agree, which is why I stayed calm and composed and didnt let myself get too upset. Just dont understand for the life of me what this guy was doing? Clearly he HAD to have seen me so he either assumed I was going to get right and make a right turn or he just thought he could scoot past me. Either one of those determinations by him are retarded.
Congrats on leaving the scene of an accident. Hopefully he didn't get your plate #.

Yeah, I was thinking that. He's probably OK (ethically, at least) because the other guy was SO INCREDIBLY in the wrong. Also, in a spot like that, with so little damage to his vehicle, does it make sense to tie up traffic? I've done the thing where I move my car out of the way onto a side street, and then the other driver lied about the events to the police, ending in a no-fault situation instead of what would *probably* have happened if we had left our cars in place. Though in this case, it would have been nice to get record of a driver driving into a motorcycle, in case he does it again.

Glad you're in one piece. Got to ride like you're invisible to stay that way.
You are absolutly right there are way too many idiots out there. I'm sure we all see them on a daily basis. Sure glad there was no damage and you are OK.
You are absolutly right there are way too many idiots out there. I'm sure we all see them on a daily basis. Sure glad there was no damage and you are OK.

I used to always see bad drivers when I was a cager, but since moving to the bike 3 yrs ago and becoming an even more alert motorist, I am astounded with how many bad, distracted, unaware drivers are out there.

If I had a dollar for every person I saw driving while on the cell phone either texting or calling someone I would be a rich man..
Glad you're ok. Also glad his car got the brunt of his mistake. I think I would have done the same exact thing you did (including the part where you informed him of his rank in life), but... the best thing would have probably been to wait at the light, get his plate, pull over and call it in.
Glad you're ok. Also glad his car got the brunt of his mistake. I think I would have done the same exact thing you did (including the part where you informed him of his rank in life), but... the best thing would have probably been to wait at the light, get his plate, pull over and call it in.

I just didnt want to deal with the whole reporting process and since I wasnt harmed and my bike had no damage, I didnt feel it was necessary to waste my time or anyone elses. Not to mention I was already running late to work as it was.
Yea - F that hassle. He'll have a reminder of his actions, and I'm confident is was focused on the fudge dragon in his pants and not your plate.
On my way to work this morning I am making a right turn off of 1st avenue onto 96th street to get on the FDR. There are three lanes at that etrance. Middle and left lane are straight lanes to enter the FDR going north, and the right lane is a right turn lane to enter going south.

As I always do I make my right turn directly into the middle lane and prepare to stop at the light, and eventually get on the FDR northbound and begin my commute. All of a sudden some numb nuts old dude apparently thinks he can scoot past me from the left lane or something and hits the side of my bike. My all metal bar end rear view scrapes nearly the entirety of the rigth side of his car, at which point he finally realizes that I am there and that the idiotic move he tried to pull is a fail and he stops.

I wasn't knocked off the bike and there is no damage, just got a little jostled, recovered, and when he stopped I pulled ahead and stopped at the light.

I almost couldnt believe how moronic this guy was and it was just one of those mornings that reminded me of the idiocy of society. I turned, raised my arms so as to ask "WTF are you doing??!" to which he didnt respondd but just stared blankly ahead like a deer caught in the headlights. I then waited for the light to turn green, promptly gave him the finger, and went on my way.


Glad nothing came of it, this being in NYC, I wouldn't be surprised he didn't yell at you for 'being in the way', 'coming out of nowhere', or just being a dude w/ a sports bike... don't worry when he tells the story, you'll be the one at fault.

Hope this never happens again !
Yea - F that hassle. He'll have a reminder of his actions, and I'm confident is was focused on the fudge dragon in his pants and not your plate.

Fudge Dragon ahha hahahahahaha can't stop laughing hahahahahaha people do that to me in Cali everyday I ride carpool 50 miles on the 405 and people try to turn in my lane and I'll speed up to get away the. They go back the fast lane and catch up and start yelling at me like wtf was i doing apparently riding in a lane at the speed of traffic is wrong
Do you ride with a bright colored vest! When I'm using my bike as a commuter doing a lot of slab time I put on my bright dayglo green vest.

Great that you're okay!
Glad nothing came of it, this being in NYC, I wouldn't be surprised he didn't yell at you for 'being in the way', 'coming out of nowhere', or just being a dude w/ a sports bike... don't worry when he tells the story, you'll be the one at fault.

Hope this never happens again !

He was an old dude and definitely didnt do any yelling or finger pointing, but I wouldnt be surprised if when he recounts this story to others I was the one who was at fault.

Thanks all for the well wishes..very happy this didnt end with my hurt or my bike damaged.
Do you ride with a bright colored vest! When I'm using my bike as a commuter doing a lot of slab time I put on my bright dayglo green vest.

Great that you're okay!

I dont, Cliff, but when I told this story to my gf this morning she said she wants to buy me a Hi-Vis vest and I just do that.
glad ur okay man! i hate driving on the fdr! especially towards the beginning where there are those long people down there dont kno how to drive! i stick to the west side hwy
glad ur okay man! i hate driving on the fdr! especially towards the beginning where there are those long people down there dont kno how to drive! i stick to the west side hwy

Thanks dude.

Trust me, even though my time on the FDR is the shortest section of my commute, its still the worst. I hate driving on there and only do it because of the quick duration and convenience. I get on at 96 and then hop on the 3rd ave bridge.

I also leave for work around 6:15am so at that time traffic is relatively light still.