Pedwards89 Interview


Elite Member
Aug 29, 2007
Reaction score
Birmingham, UK
Visit site
Middle England...pedwards89

What do you do for a living?
Handyman / Gardener

How long have you owned your FZ6?
2 years in May

What other modes of transport do you have?
Just swopped a really ancient Volvo Estate (station wagon) for a slightly ancient Volvo Estate - Pass me pipe & slippers!

If you could have any bike what would it be?
Probably a MkII Moto Guzzi Le Mans. Crap electrics, handles like a wheelbarrow, but looks & sounds like a motorbike should.

What are your hobbies apart from the bike?

What is the best place you have visited on your travels and why?
Went to Egypt last summer. Valley of the Kings, Red Sea diving what's not to like. PS Go while it's still cheap.

How would you best describe yourself?
Just like Ernie Wise (remember him) Short, Fat & Hairy. What I meant to say was suave, debonair, charming & boyish good looks.

What pets have you got?
West Highland White Terrier.

Which invention in history would you most like to have come up with?
Huge fan of British inventors of the Industrial Revolution, so probably a steam engine or the flying shuttle.

If you ruled the world, what is the first thing you would outlaw?
Fetch me a soap box, I could be on for a rant here. If I have to choose one; Over zealous political correctness. Baa baa green sheep - My arse!

If you were forced to entertain us all at the Forum Christmas party - what would your talent be?
Lying down dead giraffe.

Snow or beach?

Windows or Mac?

F1 or MotoGP?
F1 - Go Jensen!

Which track or album rocks your boat?
Toss up between Zeppelin III & Dark Side Of The Moon

What is your favorite film?
The Blues Brothers

Meat or Veg?

What is your favorite beverage?
Vodka Tonic, Although I had a few pints of a very nice nutty mild last week.

And finally, your number one rule in life?
Carpe Diem - Seize the day