Passing on the right --in my lane!


Senior Member
May 26, 2007
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Northern Cali
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I was out riding yesterday on a one-lane-each-way highway with a posted speed limit of 55 mph.

A group of 9 riders turned onto the road ahead of me. Only 6 in the group made it on before the car ahead of me and I got to the intersection. The last 3 got behind me. I was going around 60-65 and I knew that it was only a matter of time before those 3 bikes passed me. I could see them getting closer.

I was riding in the left third of the lane when I heard a noise to my right. There was one of those guys passing me, on the my lane. It really scared me. He waved as he went by but I was still surprised and scared. About 30 seconds later, his two buddies passed me, this time on the left and not in my lane.

So, is it acceptable to pass another motorcycle in the same lane?? I'm a little disappointed in myself, because the last time I checked my mirrors these guys were maybe 10 seconds behind. If I had seen this guy approaching in my lane on the right, what should I have done?
Nothing in my opinion. The guy did wrong, if his friends care about him they will rag his *** about it. If another biker is faster, I pull to the inside, and point him so he knows I know he is there, and will give him riding room.
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if I see someone coming up on me fast I'll move to the right side of the lane and wave them by. its the same if I'm looking to pass a slower rider, if they don't wave me by I treat them as if there a car. that way I don't crowd someone and piss them off or (worst case scenario) make them crash.

He should NOT have done that.... STUIPID move on his part.

You could have helped prevent it when you saw the 3 coming you should have moved to the right and then it is your discretiion to wave them by .... otherwise they should as was mentioned above treat you like a car