Parts411 (Quest Complete w/Pics!)

Thanks for the info about how the seller works. I've got the rf1000 in matte black also. I like to think of it as the cadillac of my helmets.
Updated my original post. Should have the jacket tomorrow, but I'm ready for the new lid. Guess I'll have to keep using this HJC piece of junk for the rest of the week, at least.
Got my jacket in today, good news is everything looks great. Bad news is it's too large and I'm not looking forward to dealing with the Parts411 return policy. I might try a few of the local shops first and see if they'll take an exchange, but I'm not expecting much.
Well, I finally recieved all of my stuff - just in time for Hurricane Ike and no time to ride!

Anyway, helmet looks great, and I think I decided to hold onto the larger jacket, mainly because no one around would exchange it for me and Parts411 doesn't give refunds (since the size I wanted is apparently discontinued). It will work fine in the coming cooler months, when I wear a fleece below the jacket.

And olbigatory pictures of the goods...
