Parking - Side Stand or Center Stand?

Parking - Side Stand or Center Stand?

  • Side Stand (mostly)

    Votes: 113 83.1%
  • Center Stand (mostly)

    Votes: 16 11.8%
  • Just lay her down.

    Votes: 7 5.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


FZ6 Rider
Premium Member
Aug 11, 2008
Reaction score
Saxonville, MA
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I park in a designated "motorcycle parking area". It's cement so there's no problem with soft ground. I've noticed that some motorcycles are always parked using the side stand and other ones are always parked using the center stand. Is there a reason why? Is one better than the other? What do you use?
I only use my center stand for maintenance and when I park it in my garage to avoid any flat spots on my tire.

When I'm out and about, side stand.
More stable on the side stand IN GEAR and pushed or pulled untill its up tight then leaned over.

Wont move.

Tip it on the centerstand a little left or right and over it goes.

Tip it on the side stand and it goes right back.
Side stand typically unless it is a hot day on asphalt... but like you said, you are parking on concrete which shouldn't have a problem.

It would also have to do with how the bikes next to me are parked. If they are side-standed, it is easier for you to follow suit because it leaves more room for everyone to get on-off the bikes without kicking yours in the process.
I had a "bad experience" taking my bike off of the center stand whilst on a slight uphill. Since then, it's much safer and easier for me to side-stand it. For chain-lubing and other maintenance, and for pure bad-assness, I'll throw 'er up on the center.
Just lay her down????? You mean, like gently lay it on it's side and not use either stand????? Am I the only one confused here? :tard:
Sidestand or centerstand, there's a triangle made by the three contact points.

With the sidestand, it's the two wheels and the stand.

With the centerstand, it's the two feet of the centerstand and one wheel. (Probably the front but can be the rear with enough luggage.)

As a general rule, the position that has more area to the triangle is going to be more stable. In my mind, that's the sidestand. The wheels are far apart and the sidestand is farther from the bike's centerline than the two centerstand feet are from each other.
Centre Stand just about every time, unless surface is sloped, then the side stand.

Centre stand is very handy maintenance wise.

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All of my bikes have had both stands

center when in the garage or parked anywhere for over a day (to get the bike upright and out of the way.)

side stand when riding (convenience)

When I had older carb'd bikes I was always under the impression it's better with your carbs to use the center stand because the float bowls would be filled evenly. With FI/fuel pumps I don't think it really matters.
I don't use any stand, I lean it against a wall or something. Nah, I'm joking. I always side stand it and make sure bike is facing in the proper direction (not facing downhill). Side stand is also, I think, best for the alarm motion detector to activate.
It always depends on the ground surface. If I can I use the side stand.

In my shed when it is parked up I use the centre stand because it uses less space.

For winter storage it is on the centre stand so I can get the tyres off the floor.

When I drive it to work in the hot weather I use the center stand, as the parking lot is asphalt and even on a mildly warm day it started to sink in the ground.

If I park on concrete I will mostly use the side stand.
More stable on the side stand IN GEAR and pushed or pulled untill its up tight then leaned over.

Wont move.

Tip it on the centerstand a little left or right and over it goes.

Tip it on the side stand and it goes right back.

Excellent advice.
i will go with the flow here too, when it is tight space or soft ground i use the center, but if it is a normal cool day i will just use the side stand.

Also maintenance is on the center stand.
I voted 'Just lay her down'.... gently mind you!

...Because I'm inexperienced, new to riding... and went through an annoying habbit of parking without noticing the curb sloping away from my left foot! (Crash mushrooms installed by my instructor!)