Over the Mountain


Junior Member
Mar 26, 2012
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Commerce, Ga
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Me and my buddy visited his cabin for the weekend. Did a sped up vide of us crossing the mtn. Sorry the whole video is of a harley, I was on the fz. This was my first time going over the mountain and it was a blast!

Shockingly, out of all the riders going the other way, not a single one was fully geared (lowers, uppers, etc) maybe 1-2 were jeans and jacket. some idiots in the beginning were rocking shorts on r6 and cbr....i just don't understand!
i'll admit i was only wearing jeans, but had boots, jacket, full helmet and full gloves on.

Anyways, had a great time overall, hopefully will have more videos of rides to come. sorry the quality isn't great, i screwed it up in iMovie.

All filmed on gopro hero2, edited in iMovie.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=duEPAe6BO_s&feature=plcp]Over the mountain - YouTube[/ame]
Where was that? We're going to Blood Mtn this Sunday morning, if you're not busy you should come along. From Commerce I'd go through Gainsville to get up there, we could meet you at Turners (Store Info « Turner's Corner General Store). We'll be up there around 9:30 or so, and usually ride until 12ish.

BTW, you should have had an Ozzy sound track with that vid (Over the Mountain :) )
Where was that? We're going to Blood Mtn this Sunday morning, if you're not busy you should come along. From Commerce I'd go through Gainsville to get up there, we could meet you at Turners (Store Info « Turner's Corner General Store). We'll be up there around 9:30 or so, and usually ride until 12ish.

BTW, you should have had an Ozzy sound track with that vid (Over the Mountain :) )

I'm not sure the name of the mountain, but when you go through Helen, is the the mountain following on the way to Hiawassee. I'd love to ride Sunday but the g/f let me off last weekend. Gotta go south to visit her this weekend.... do you guys ride every sunday up that way?
My friend might want to tag along, as long as we dont discriminate towards harleys. Atleast his has a toggle switch to close the baffles so it's not annoyingly loud.

p/s-I'm new to the youtube, and havent figured out how to add music haha.
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Not every week, but we do seem to meet up once a month or so. We're going on a longer ride August 25th that you may be interested in as well. This is going to be a faster paced ride due to the length, but it's a lot of fun! Here's a link to that thread...


Your friend is more then welcome, I don't discriminate against anyone, the more the merrier :)

BTW, he isn't one of the 10MPH under the speed limit Harley guys is he? I got stuck behind about 20 of them a couple weeks ago. It seemed like any time they hit the speed limit, they had to slow back down to around 10 MPH under - and the speed limit was only 50 MPH. I've never ridden with anyone other then guys from here, so I'm not real experienced with riding with people with different riding styles.
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Not every week, but we do seem to meet up once a month or so. We're going on a longer ride August 25th that you may be interested in as well. This is going to be a faster paced ride due to the length, but it's a lot of fun! Here's a link to that thread...


Your friend is more then welcome, I don't discriminate against anyone, the more the merrier :)

BTW, he isn't one of the 10MPH under the speed limit Harley guys is he? I got stuck behind about 20 of them a couple weeks ago. It seemed like any time they hit the speed limit, they had to slow back down to around 10 MPH under - and the speed limit was only 50 MPH. I've never ridden with anyone other then guys from here, so I'm not real experienced with riding with people with different riding styles.

Yeah I was following that thread, it's just so far off I dont even know if I can make it yet haha. As far fast paced, as long as you guys dont mind waiting for me at the bottome I'll try to go and keep up. I'm no knee dragger though!

And no, he's a quick rider. On 441 he set his cruise (must be nice) to 72mph in a 55mph and we scooted right along. he also drug his floorboards on the mountain, but you can't tell b/c it's sped up with no sound. So he wont be slowing us down and wouldnt be having to wait long if at all. He normally volunteers to pick up the rear anyways.
LOO, I'm not a knee dragger either, we gotta worry about ChevyFazer though, he'll leave us all behind :) By fast paced I just meant like riding 10-15 over the speed limit for most of the ride. I really don't want a ticket :)
LOO, I'm not a knee dragger either, we gotta worry about ChevyFazer though, he'll leave us all behind :) By fast paced I just meant like riding 10-15 over the speed limit for most of the ride. I really don't want a ticket :)

Haha sounds good. I'm surprised he hasnt chimed in yet on this. I've actually never road with knee dragger, so it'd be cool to see somebody in person...from a distance way behind haha! make for some good gopro footage as well.

That being said, I guess its settled. When/if we all ride chevy up front, then you, then me, then my hog buddy.
Here I am lol, I do like to push it but only on roads I know real well, and where the cops like to sit lol. I got enough tickets on 4wheels I don't need any on 2 (knocking on wood)

But do you remember the road name or highway number where that was? I'm always looking to find so new good places to ride, especially ones less known about.
Here I am lol, I do like to push it but only on roads I know real well, and where the cops like to sit lol. I got enough tickets on 4wheels I don't need any on 2 (knocking on wood)

But do you remember the road name or highway number where that was? I'm always looking to find so new good places to ride, especially ones less known about.

I think it was just 17/75/Unicoi Turnpike. When you come out of helen going towards Hiawassee.

Maybe this will help...Mainly just the half closest to helen is the good mountain twisties...

and GTP love the way you mounted the gopro. Very smart! if i had the balls and mine was more than 3 months old and paid off i'd probable throw some screws in the fairings too...but don't think we're to that point in our relationship yet, she would probably quit running if i tried to screw her this early....pun intended.
LOL, yeah, you gotta be kind to 'em :) The way I mounted the GoPro, you'd never be able to tell if I removed the mount unless you know what you were looking for. You''ll see it in August!
Which gopro do you have, hero or hero2? Maybe if we had several people with cameras mounted for a big ride (aug 25) we could put all the footage together and do some edits and make a mini promo video for local group rides? It would probably be kinda cheesy and I'm not a great editor but I can definitely play around with it and it might draw more interest for future riders.
I have the GoPro Hero 2 Motorsports edition, I won it from a promo Motorcycle Superstore did last year. I'll definitely have mine, and can send you what I got when I went last time if you want.
I have the GoPro Hero 2 Motorsports edition, I won it from a promo Motorcycle Superstore did last year. I'll definitely have mine, and can send you what I got when I went last time if you want.

Thats the same one I got. Only I picked it up off craigslist. I still enter the giveway thing through gopro every day though with hopes of getting lucky! I havent had much luck with places to put the suction cup on my bike. Most of the areas with a good view have a slight groove or curve and I dont feel it gets a good grip. So for now I just use that on the tank and have my permanent helmet mounts. No worries on sending the footage. I'll just wait until we do a group ride. I'd like to have some video of me that I can pull still shots from for facebook and to see how I look and critique my cornering. I thought about putting mine on my helmet facing backwards and leading for a while to get a full group shot through the twisties.