

It's not over...
Apr 14, 2008
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Always, always, always check your mirrors, or you may end up like this guy:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXmQuibEe_w]YouTube - Motorcycle Crash[/ame]
that's COMPLETELY the other guy's fault. NOT the turning guy. He could have been slowing down, with turn signal. The other guy is in the opposite lane, going WAY too fast past a group. I put full blame on the person who hit the poor guy.
that's COMPLETELY the other guy's fault. NOT the turning guy. He could have been slowing down, with turn signal. The other guy is in the opposite lane, going WAY too fast past a group. I put full blame on the person who hit the poor guy.

I think they are both to blame. More so the guy who plowed the other guy, but he should've look in his mirror.
I think they are both to blame. More so the guy who plowed the other guy, but he should've look in his mirror.

but why would you look in your mirror in the lane where there is supposed to be traffic coming at you? I wouldn't look behind me if I was turning left over a yellow line through the oncoming lane. And if you did, it was probably to look right behind you and not further down the road where the fast bike came from...just my 2c
but why would you look in your mirror in the lane where there is supposed to be traffic coming at you? I wouldn't look behind me if I was turning left over a yellow line through the oncoming lane. And if you did, it was probably to look right behind you and not further down the road where the fast bike came from...just my 2c
I would have to agree with you mate, if the guy even took a cursory look, the other rider was overtaking at such speed it would be difficult to see him. I had to watch the video twice before I even saw the overtaking rider coming.

but why would you look in your mirror in the lane where there is supposed to be traffic coming at you? I wouldn't look behind me if I was turning left over a yellow line through the oncoming lane. And if you did, it was probably to look right behind you and not further down the road where the fast bike came from...just my 2c

yeah ok....you're right, whatever. :rolleyes:
That guy was going waaaaaaaaaaaay too fast, and what he locks the brakes in the last 5 feet before impact even though he had more space to react than that

Sure the guy turning should've looked and made sure it was safe, but still.
That is why I don't do group rides that often, I don't know the people and how they ride. If I do I like to trail and help round up, or I like to just go off the front and hammer, either way I'm by myself in my own little world...but I digress.
Overtaking multiple vehicles, likely speeding...and it's all on YouTube, no getting out of it!

It looks like his tires smoked when he hit the brakes? Wow.
and that ladies and gentlemen is why you should always wear your gear! Totally agree though watching the video a few times the guy overtaking the group was hauling major ass! However if he had been stuck behind the same group for a long time and got impatient I can't say I wouldn't have done something similar.... hard to tell what the speed limit was where that video was shot and how fast the group was going....but I'd bet the guy passing was exceeding it by quite a bit. Bad all the way around but I think the moral of the story is don't ride like a tool and you'll probably be fine.
that's COMPLETELY the other guy's fault. NOT the turning guy. He could have been slowing down, with turn signal. The other guy is in the opposite lane, going WAY too fast past a group. I put full blame on the person who hit the poor guy.

+100 on that. Dumb b@stard riding like an imbecile.
Getting taken out by an idiot rider isn't high on my list of things I worry about when riding, but maybe it should be. I do sometimes think about it in the twisties, wondering if the oncoming guy is going to straightline the upcoming right hand curve.
I will go with the position it was the riders fault that was overtaking. If you are going to overtake or pass, you really shouldn't be doing multiple vehicles. It's not safe! I'm not sure a mirror check would have helped in this citation... I don't know.

I did find this, I thought, of relevance here; Passing Safety Tips