Oops - Waived at a cop

Or maybe he just received a routine radio call and turned around ?

Agreed, there could be a million reasons why he turned around, I'd still pull over, couldn't hurt anything right?

Steering off the topic of this thread, what about waving at scooters?

If you're on 2 wheels I'm gonna wave to ya! Also, I believe there was a thread poll about this...hmmm
Agreed, there could be a million reasons why he turned around, I'd still pull over, couldn't hurt anything right?

because you were following me...
i'm allergic to pork...
Well said. I thought cops were jerks when I was young. Then I realized that I was doing things that tended to upset them. My actions and my opinions have changed greatly since then.

A lot of them still are jerks. They're just like normal people, some are alright, some deserve the finger. ;)

I used to wave at cops while at A&M, and I don't think a single one ever waived back, but that's probably normal for a college town.
I wave at cops on bikes all the time, usually don't even know it's a cop until it passes me, and they always wave right back :)

Here in downtown Chicago we've got a bunch of cops on four-wheelers, I've had one pull up to me at a light couple weeks ago.. He looked at me and said "You wanna race?" we both laughed it off... but then he punched it HARD off the line! and so did I :D - no joke :thumbup:

There has been some hilarious replies, very entertaining.

I wave to motorpatrol officers all the time, and I usually get a wave back, and there are plenty here in Las Vegas. But one time, the cop just hit his lights and siren for a second, rather than waving back.

I'm too old now, but for you young members who are 20'ish even early 30's. You should look into a career in law enforcement. Can't think of a better way to get paid than riding a bike. Think about it.

And for you members who are coppers, how bout becoming one. That would be too cool.
A TX DPS officer recently spoke at my job's monthly safety meeting. He said that most of the time, when someone waves to him on the road, they are covering something (DUI, posession, etc.). The officer could have followed you just to monitor how you were riding, or to check your plates. Either way, no big deal.

I always wave to other motorcycles, police or not. I also wave to officers in cars or on bikes when I'm on the bicycle. And no, I have nothing to hide, really!

Lately, for fun, I have been waving to motorcycles while on the bicycle (it is hilarious when they wave back, then pause when they realize... wait- what am I doing?!?) and vice-versa. You have to have fun!
I think most cops are cool, if it paid more I'd be one myself.

I've never had a problem, been pulled over about a 6 times in the last 10 years and never got a ticket. One of them was for doing 95 in a 65, he didn't even write a warning.

I'm always respectful, never get out of the vehicle, turn on my dome light, roll down the windows, and have both hands on the wheel. My wife says I'm the luckiest person ever. I think it's all about attitude. I also have a concealed hand gun license and they always ask if I'm carrying, my response is I wouldn't be caught dead without it. I never been harassed about my gun either. In fact me and a county sheriff had about a 15 min conversation about our Glock 22's.
so does this mean i have to wave at my self? also wave at us. we arent all dicks. except when i was quiting smoking. i may have pepper sprayed you at that point lol.
We're starting to get more sccoter lately in OC, CA. Got waived at by one the other day. Waived back, of course. I did give up on waiving at cruisers, though. The 5% return rate was just too low. :(
I used to wave at cops, but they never waived back so I don't wave anymore. Oh and all you guys who have been pulled over but haven't gotten a ticket. You are so lucky. I'm 0/2. I've been pulled over twice and I've gotten two tickets. :(
Yep, I always wave at moto-cops as well as all other bikers. For me it's just respect and appreciation for a fellow rider regardless of their job.

Now, what's goofy is waving to a rider when you're driving your car. I've done it out of habit....

I do that all the time :thumbup:
No moto cops around here, so I guess my answer is no. But I wave at all bikes, so if I did meet one I think my initial reaction would be to wave.

Funny thing - we were traveling on the interstate the other day and I had bikes waving at me from waaaaayyyyy over there. Cool. And - I have had a lot of cagers wave too. We grin, wave and say, "Must be a rider."
Being in federal law enforcement, personally I appreciate when people wave. To me it shows that the community supports what we do.