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FZ6 Naked Epiphany
Jan 29, 2008
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Whats with you guys over the pond and venting off your fury with guns.

Redflex pulls speed vans after shooting

In Britian, people are more docile and they prefer to mutter these thoughts in their heads or over a pint of beer at the local pub. But there have been cases of road rage over here as well.
Only crazies and criminals. None of which are supposed to have guns do that sort of thing.
It's just a cultural difference. The bigger issue here is what I consider the sheer laziness of reporters these days. Honestly it's more the editor's responsibility, but in the first sentence of this article has a typo. WTF is up with these internet news sites? This isn't just limited to "blog" type news sites either. I've seen this pop up on the likes of and just the same. :spank: bad journalists!!
Whats with you guys over the pond and venting off your fury with guns.

Redflex pulls speed vans after shooting

In Britian, people are more docile and they prefer to mutter these thoughts in their heads or over a pint of beer at the local pub. But there have been cases of road rage over here as well.

actually i found it messed up.. the guy that shot the person in the van had told police that he didnt mean to hurt the guy or kill him.. yea, then how do think shooting a bullet at someone is going to go??? right ...
I am against speed cameras, but I would never shoot someone in my distaste for them.

People in AZ have been fighting the cameras for awhile now, first it was placing post it notes over the lenses. AZ went after those "non violent offenders" with gusto, up to $2500 in fines and up to 6 months in jail for "obstructing government justice". Yeah, like speed cameras help apprehend criminals.:rolleyes: But post it notes did not slake the motorists taste for revenge. Then they started shooting the cameras with guns.

The loss of life is tragic, and in no way what so ever was it justified. The killer should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Sticking it to the Man - Column/Patrick Bedard/C/D Staff/Columns/Features/Car and Driver - Car And Driver is where I got some info from, a good read.
actually i found it messed up.. the guy that shot the person in the van had told police that he didnt mean to hurt the guy or kill him.. yea, then how do think shooting a bullet at someone is going to go??? right ...

I think the gunman was shooting at the camera, the worker in the van was a horrific accident. Not that the shooter was right in doing what he did. He still should go to jail for a very long time. He did, after all, take the life of a man just doing his job.
I am against speed cameras, but I would never shoot someone in my distaste for them.

People in AZ have been fighting the cameras for awhile now, first it was placing post it notes over the lenses. AZ went after those "non violent offenders" with gusto, up to $2500 in fines and up to 6 months in jail for "obstructing government justice". Yeah, like speed cameras help apprehend criminals.:rolleyes: But post it notes did not slake the motorists taste for revenge. Then they started shooting the cameras with guns.

how do they track people who has stuck the post it notes. use another camera which monitors the speed camera environs?
I think the gunman was shooting at the camera, the worker in the van was a horrific accident. Not that the shooter was right in doing what he did. He still should go to jail for a very long time. He did, after all, take the life of a man just doing his job.

oh and im all for taking it to the fullest extent of the law.. they guy had no buisiness taking his "anger" into his own hands.. if you dont like the cameras, then vote some people into government that will do away with these.. im sure the money that az is making off all those tickets will not play any role into the decision right :rolleyes:
damn man i didn't even know companies like that existed. I know there's cameras at intersections in the philly areas here in pa but that freaks me out now.
damn man i didn't even know companies like that existed. I know there's cameras at intersections in the philly areas here in pa but that freaks me out now.

By no means do I want to minimize how wrong this dumb a$$ was and he deserves whatever penalty they give him. However, the photo radar and other traffic enforcement tactics are increasing dramatically and it all has to do with grabbing the money :(
The person who wrote that article seriously has to learn to write using correct English grammer, or simply learn how to write! :)

O yeah and how crazy do you have to be to shoot someone over something so petty?
I think the real problem here is having private companies doing this. Shouldn't it be run by the police/DPS?