On Line Fastener/Bolt Supplier


Moto Demi-God
Elite Member
Jan 13, 2008
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Hey Everyone - As some of you are aware I installed ConvertiBar Clip-Ons a few months ago. With the clips on I also bought the ConvertiBar counter weights. The weights are well made for a lump of metal that just hangs there and looks pretty. One problem however...Converti didn't include any F*ng bolts to bolt the counter weight to the clip-ons. You think if a customer paid $375.00 they would include $2.00 worth of bolts. I called Converti and they said, "Go buy some bolts." Great, where on earth am I supposed to find Metric 6 X100 mm stainless steel cap screws??? Not at any of the big box stores, nor Ace Hardware. The only place in Austin is, Austin Bolt. Great place but after a 20 minute ride to get there and then waiting in line for 45 minutes to buy two bolts there has to be a better place for hardware.

Enter that thing called, "the internet"...yeah I can be smart some days..fire up Yahoo seach and Shazaam!!! Metric Bolt suppliers.

After looking at about 10 different places "Bolt Depot" seems like way to go. Tons of metric, stainless steel, and great online menu, very easy to use. I'd rather pay $5.00 shipping for $4.00 in bolts than waste 90 minutes.

Bolt Depot - Nuts and Bolts, Screws and Fasteners online
Hey Pete,
Thank you so much for finding this! I was having a hard time trying to find a replacement fairing bolt for the FZ6, and it looks like they have it.
Nice find. The only places I had locally were Home Depot (pathetic) and Ace Hardware (a little better, but not by much).