

Senior Member
Aug 12, 2007
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Lou, Ky
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You'all. its been so hot here in kentucky for the last week or 2. today i think it topped 110 with the humidity heat index. we had a storm come in about 6:30 and it got all dark and rainy then when that passed, partly cloudy and 74 degrees!!!!!. I took a nice 50 mile jaunt through the freeway system and just marveld how well this bike tears up the road when its not so dern hot!!!. Ok, adrenelin wearing off.
:) it still rips up the road when its 119 degrees outside too!!!:Sport:
I'm looking forward to the slightly cooler temps next month, too. I was surprised at how cool you can stay riding at speed, but them stop lights really start you to cooking. (The flat black helmet I got with the bike doesn't help).
Dude, I want some rain down here.
We got the front, it showed the rain on the radar, but none hit the ground. LOL
I bet you had a great ride. When you get ready you, Shaggy, and I need to meet up and ride. It will be cool to get a group of FZs together.
Been hot here in FL too... not that hot...

It will stay pretty hot till the second week of Oct then we will enjoy the great riding weather for 6-8 months

going out for 50 -75 miles this am ....

ride safe
I believe that the last four days here (Burleson, TX--Just south of Fort Worth) have been between 102 and 105. Yesterday we had some storm clouds that cooled us off (92 degrees). So, my son and I took advantage of the cool weather and put a few miles on the bikes. We managed not to get rained on. But within five minutes after putting them in the garage, the bottom fell out of the clouds. We are getting some unusual August rain from tropical storm Erin. Was a fun ride!:Sport:

I know texas got hammered from the storms.
Hey wright, any time man, only thing is my wife works tuesday to friday 2nd shift, so i get those days to ride, sat sun mon is her time. kind of conditional for me having the bike. if i planned something in advance that would be good. if you and scoob come up with something ahead of time, drop me a note and i'll clear it on my wifes calender. damn, i had to marry a chinese woman, they worry so much!! i love her though. probably get my brother to join, but he rides a honda cbr 600 rr. i think he would own us all. hehe
Well man I have full custody of my niece (5yold) Her mom has visitation on most weekends except when she doesnt want to. I can take a day or two off during the week but I have to be back by 330 to pick her up at the bus stop and I walk her to school at