Oil Cap stolen - rat!


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Jan 1, 2008
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Los Angeles
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Please excuse my following rant.
Today as usual, I hopped on my bike and cruised the 60 E freeway home. Arriving home some 20 minutes later, I pulled up my visor and reached for the garage opener. That's when it hit me. This overwhelmingly strong oil smell coming from my bike. Checking the right side of my bike I notice the oil cap is missing. The bike had spilled oil all over the side.

I park my bike in a bike lot among other bikes and some @sshole (for lack of other words, though punk, idiot and loser work just as well) unscrewed the cap and took off with it while I was at work.

Anyway, the scenario could have been catastrophic had the oil gotten on my tires and I lost control on the freeway. I hope I find the exact blue oil cap on the @hole's bike one day. Oh that would be the day....
Well yeah, I hope he burns his fingers on it.

Thats really crappy.
How do you know that it was somebody and not the cap just unscrewing all by itself?

Never heard of that happening. I'd go for some scumbag piece of crap stole it.

Don't worry, the motorcycle karma gods will get even with the thief.

As much as this sucks, you did make it home OK. That's a very good thing.
I changed the oil and oil-filter few days ago. I made sure the cap was back on tight. I like and should have followed your example DefInertia. Oh wells, what goes around comes around. I saw the same cap on sale for $9.95 + shipping on ebay today. Sh/t, stealing that cap was it really worth it?
Paranoid much :D

I wear a helmet too :eek: :D No seriously, was required for the track at one point, got used to it, now it stays. Same setup on the dipstick and I wire the drain plug and filter as well. Takes my mind off it and makes oil changes less stressful....they don't call it safety wire for nothing.
I once had some punk steal my gas cap off my moped when I was 15. I was upset and couldn't understand why someone would do that. It's petty and lame, I still don't understand people who take things that aren't theirs.

Sorry to hear about your oil cap, it just doesn't make sense when it is something like that, something that isn't worth much, but very important to the bike.
safety wiring is required for many tracks as funny things can and do happen to bikes and the more stuff is safety wired the better it is.
I wear a helmet too :eek: :D No seriously, was required for the track at one point, got used to it, now it stays. Same setup on the dipstick and I wire the drain plug and filter as well. Takes my mind off it and makes oil changes less stressful....they don't call it safety wire for nothing.

got pics? why the drain plug and filter? and how on the filter?
Thieves suck! I'm glad to hear you made it home safely, and the oil cap can be replaced.

It's pretty shady when some low life goes out of their way to steal something that's necessary for a vehicle to work safely. It reminds me of the time that some loser stole the protective cap off the bearing buddy on my boat trailer. They're $3.00 per pair, but it seems someone needed my bearing cover more than I did:(
You sure he didn't dump anything in your case? People are known to do crappy things like that.
I had a friend find his gas cap missing, later he found out the bastard poured sugar into his tank.......
got pics? why the drain plug and filter? and how on the filter?

More pics HERE (scroll down)

Why? So that they don't vibrate loose. Again, this was required for me at one point, and now I'm used to it. I put my filter on by hand, put my drain plug on snug, wire it, and I'm done. I dont' have to worry about anything coming loose or about torquing it every time (hole in the plug ends up in the same spot everytime).

It's basically a double-check....it eliminates the possibility of human error (I'm not perfect).

For the filter, most people (including me) use a hose clamp around the filter and then connect the safety wire to that. K&N makes a wire ready filter but I don't use K&N filters.