Oh god. I'm going to throw up.

Well that was nasty. Didnt really bother me, but it was pretty nasty.

That's pretty much what I thought of it but some of the conversation between the two girls was hilarious.

"maybe we're just squeezing the fat and cartilage out of his back"

"I don't think fat and cartilage smell like that"

:eek:That is amazing. just when you think its stopped another lot comes out. my wife has just run off to be sick
That was absolutely disgusting! It's like a bad car wreck though, you just can't stop looking! :eek: I was OK until the first erruption... my mouth started the pre-puke salivation.... but then it just got damned funny and I couldn't stop laughing.

Can't say Fred didn't warn me though! ;)

Overall? I give this a 9!
That is unbelievably sick :eek:, it's like drinking spoiled milk, you just got to share it with everybody. I've shown this to everybody that would stop long enough to watch :D.
Maybe it's because I work on a skilled nursing unit as a CNA, but I have seen much much worse. Spending 12 hours a day often up to your elbows in poop brings the whole world into perspective :rolleyes:

But I must agree with everyone who found the ladies hilarious. That must be a great video to watch if you like popping a nice big pimple. Hah.
Strangely enough i went to my doctor in the 80s with a cyst on the back of my neck. He offered me the choice of going on the hospital waiting list ( they're long in the UK) or he could do it there and then. I took the quicker option.

I can confirm that without the beer anaesthetic it does hurt.
Alright, had to watch it again with audio after reading your reactions to the girls' commentary. I watched the first time while in front of the TV with my wife, and didn't want to disturb her so I watched it with the audio off.

Oh my god, I was rolling on the floor laughing with the audio on! HAHAHA the girls' reactions are awesome!!! That makes the whole thing. I had tears in my eyes I was laughing so hard! Priceless.
after reading the description of 2g1c, I decided never to click on anything that was remotely close to that title. 2 girls one cyst? Nope not going to do it.
Oh, seriously, it's not THAT bad...it's just like a huge zit that keeps on going :D

Those girls are funny :D
OK, I started to look but then shut it off as soon as it started. I saw a similar video, but it was a guys stomach boil, and it was much bigger, so I wanted to avoid that sight again. (Still need eye bleach.) But after reading all these posts, I HAD to watch just to listen to the girls. Tried turning my eyes away and JUST listening, but, like a bad car wreck, I HAD to watch!!! :eek: The dialogue is hilarious!!!
Thanks Fred. :)
I watched it all, was laughing most of the time :) The worst video ive seen in a while is this tho, and i gotta warn you, its disgusting, aswell, but its not fun !!