Observation / modular helments always open.. .. ..


2 Da Street, Knobs R Gone
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Mar 16, 2011
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Maybe its just who i observe / who catches my attention, but it **appears** many riders traveling below highway speeds always have their modular helmets open.

I just don't see the value in having these types of helmet if half your face is exposed while in use.
Anyone else notice this?

And what if crash with it up? I'd guess the odds of destroying your neck go up dramatically having something to catch on. Assuming your face isnt torn off that is.

Thoughts? Observations?
I had a modular helmet. I would only lift the chin to put it on or take it off and to show my face at the guard shack at work. It was a cheaper helmet (bilt) and a piece of the face shield hinge/retainer broke so I replaced it with a better AGV full face.
Well at least they are wearing a helmet. Around here you see a lot of helmet less riders since helmets are an option.
I have a modular helmet but only flip it up when putting it on or taking off and at the gas station.
I have a modular helmet and I wear it open in town or riding slow, I can't stand the heat in the summer so it stays open a bit longer then. I Always close it when I'm on the highway or when i ride more difficult roads (or with gravel etc).
I know what you're saying Randy, of course it would be safer closed all the time but I guess I like fresh air :spank:.

When I took my (extended) riders course a couple of years ago now the instructor had a bad scar on his chin, as he had had an accident with an open helmet in the past. Of course he extensively explained the dangers.

With my older helmet (Nolan 101) I would crack the visor more often (which is of course the correct thing to do), but my Shoei Neotec is harder to crack the visor open due to more/too much resistance so I guess i'm just being lazy flipping it open.

Well now, the answers here nearly defy the purpose of "protection".

IMO and where I ride, the odds of being taken out are more likely at these lower speeds. So anything from parking lot to going through an intersection at 30 mph.

I'll keep my full face helmet - thank you very much!
I keep mine up in town at speeds lower than 30 mph.
Anything more than that and my eyes start to water. For me it's the best of both worlds between open face and full face.
I also like the ability to go into petrol stations and shops without removing the helmet.
I have a modular helmet but only flip it up when putting it on or taking off and at the gas station.

:thumbup: Same here. When i got it (EXO 900), i though i'd ride with it open on hot days at lower speeds, but never have. I have come to not like the oversize feeling of it, and recently picked up a Shark fullface...which is nice and bit more quiet. I dont think I'd buy another modular.
The advantage of modular helmet is that you can open it up when: hot, block the sun in your eyes (especially at sunrise/sunset or between trees) so it serves me as a lip, nice air in the face and more view, easier to put it on, or taking it off...
If I like, I can ride up to 65-70mph open, after that the wind puts pressure on it. I can close it when I feel like it, or when get tired from the wind. I do keep the inner sun visor down though, to protect the eyes from debris.
So instead of having 2 helmets, the modular one is very convenient.
The drawback is it's heavier and balkier then others, and the face looks funny when it's up.
And yes, it's still better than without the helmet at all, although I did enjoy riding in Maine with no helmet at moderate speed.
I tried to wear an ADV one with a lip, but, A. it's hot in the summer, and B. on the highway, the wind is really pushing it down.

I'm tired of people telling others what to wear and what they should do and what not. We all grownups here and understand all risks we take by doing one thing or another. Do whatever you chose to, and respect what others do.
Want to be safe, sit on a couch and don't get out. Is it going to be 100% safe? Dono :D
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