NYC's Motorcycle Checkpoints= where is the lube when I need it?


Junior Member
Mar 22, 2014
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Brooklyn, NY
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Last night I rode into Manhattan to purchase some tickets off a guy on CL, the guy proceeded to text me that he had sold them 10 minutes prior :rolleyes:

It was a Saturday night, so instead of going home I decided to calm my frustration from that douchebag by taking a ride up the Henry Hudson, cutting through Washington Heights, and coming back down the FDR. I got off the HH and encountered bad traffic in WH, I took a side street that got my bearings mixed up and hit more traffic. Anyway I was coming down a 2 way street that had approx 4-5 cars lined up for a left turn with the intersection in gridlock. I began passing on the right to make a right turn (No bicycle lane with several cars double parked and plenty of room) at less than 10mph. I get to the end of the block to make my right and out jumps the 5-0 :disapprove:

So now I'm thinking, great I'm going to get some lame moving violation. He takes my paperwork, everything checks out of course. Then comes back and tells me that this is a motorcycle "safety" checkpoint and because I committed a moving violation, my bike is being "Vouchered" and I'm receiving a reckless driving summons without points (The pink slip). :spank:

Needless to say I'm utterly shocked. I ask some questions and he tells me that it is NOT being impounded, and that they hold bikes at the precinct for 24 hours for any violations. Whats even more hilarious? I asked them if they were going to throw it on a flatbed, NOPE. A plainclothes officer rode it back to the precinct WITHOUT A HELMET :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Now at this point I'm expecting to get my pristine FZ6 back in shambles so its whatever, I have comprehensive I guess. Then comes the summons court date in August :rolleyes:

This is my first ticket after 5 years of daily driving and a squeaky clean driving record. Anyone that has input/ criticism please post :). What also concerns me is that I can't find any info online about this vehicle "Vouchering", I'll have to call the precinct soon. I've been meaning to get some kind of camera setup for my own safety and this type of occasion, obviously I was too late :(. IMO this was complete BS and unwarranted, at most some kind of failure to yield violation could've applied. The cop was standing there spewing some BS saying that he felt genuinely bad for me and that my violation is BS/ its the last thing he wants to do but its NYPD policy since the Range Rover incident :rolleyes:. He also told me to just not ride in Manhattan to avoid this crap.. lol

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Nany state New York. Sorry bubba, the government does whatever the hell they want. Protecting criminals and screwing over anyone that makes a tiny mistake now days.

I'm currently fighting a careless and prohibited because a plain clothes chief chased me down, radiod ahead for a unit, I wasn't pulled over. He flagged me down. The chief gets out screaming at me and demanding my ID. I said " show me yours" we went back and forth untill I said "&$$! You show me your ID" then had the deputy who saw me do nothing wrong write me a ticket and forge the chiefs name who failed to even properly identify himself. If I was "hauling so much ass" let me ask you, how did a guy in a chevy pickup keep up with my fz09? The ticket is wrote like a illegally passed someone in a no passing zone. Which is BS because it was a dotted line.

Pled not guilty and I will rep myself and make the chief look extremely stupid for his actions in how he handled himself.
I'm not even all that angry, at the end of the day its just money. Now if I was arrested for this I would be steaming mad. Now its just a question of not having a misdemeanor on my record and spending a fortune.

FZ09 tell me about it, living in NYC is just terrible if enjoy any freedom whatsoever.

One piece of good news, I just called the precinct that is holding the bike. The LEO was telling the truth, no fees to pick it up. Now its just a question of if and how much damage has been caused while it was in their possession.
Nany state New York. Sorry bubba, the government does whatever the hell they want. Protecting criminals and screwing over anyone that makes a tiny mistake now days.

I'm currently fighting a careless and prohibited because a plain clothes chief chased me down, radiod ahead for a unit, I wasn't pulled over. He flagged me down. The chief gets out screaming at me and demanding my ID. I said " show me yours" we went back and forth untill I said "&$$! You show me your ID" then had the deputy who saw me do nothing wrong write me a ticket and forge the chiefs name who failed to even properly identify himself. If I was "hauling so much ass" let me ask you, how did a guy in a chevy pickup keep up with my fz09? The ticket is wrote like a illegally passed someone in a no passing zone. Which is BS because it was a dotted line.

Pled not guilty and I will rep myself and make the chief look extremely stupid for his actions in how he handled himself.

If they bother to show up in court and argue the case and you will lose. The truth doesn't matter they will lie and judge will find you guilty like everyone else in this county.

Hopefully, they were just acting in the heat of the moment and will not even bother showing up in court.
It's a kangaroo court so he will be there. If I get a deal of no points would work. O well if a lose, they cannot charge more than 100$ for it. Waste my time assholes, il waste yours.

What I get for doing the Christian thing and not tripling up on the throttle.
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Nany state New York. Sorry bubba, the government does whatever the hell they want. Protecting criminals and screwing over anyone that makes a tiny mistake now days.

I'm currently fighting a careless and prohibited because a plain clothes chief chased me down, radiod ahead for a unit, I wasn't pulled over. He flagged me down. The chief gets out screaming at me and demanding my ID. I said " show me yours" we went back and forth untill I said "&$$! You show me your ID" then had the deputy who saw me do nothing wrong write me a ticket and forge the chiefs name who failed to even properly identify himself. If I was "hauling so much ass" let me ask you, how did a guy in a chevy pickup keep up with my fz09? The ticket is wrote like a illegally passed someone in a no passing zone. Which is BS because it was a dotted line.

Pled not guilty and I will rep myself and make the chief look extremely stupid for his actions in how he handled himself.

The chief won't show and it'll get dismissed.

Down here we can write on another officers word but in court, THE OFFICER that saw the violation has to testify or its tossed.
Fir Nitro,

Down here, reckless driving IS putting others in danger, a threat to other's, 100 MPH+ in heavy traffic, thru a school zone, etc. You clearly didn't do that..

If your laws are even close to ours (look up in state statute #'s on-line) and read EXACTLY what that charge actually is and does it fit your situation).

YOUR charge, from what your posted (at least down here) DOES not MEET the criteria. Maybe improper passing, improper lane use, etc.

I would definitly do my homework on that one...

BTW, the judge seeing your clean record of 5 years, the conversation from the officer stating it was BS, I'd bet would either get a warning or dropped down to a more appropriate improper passing.

You have a whole lot more going for you than the police have on you...

Re vouchering the bike, never heard of it and IF ITS UNSAFE, why would anyone, MUCH LESS, a helmet less plaincloths PO ride my bike if its not safe? Breaking the law right in front of you (no helmet) for a NON-emergency "Transport"? Will it fix itself in the 24 hours while its held in the compound?? Might be a city ordinanance, I'd be looking that up too... Doesn't sound right thou...

Good luck and please post what happens...
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As you recall the Range Rover turned into an International spectacle and a black eye for us all. I don't believe they will stick of to you too hard , but I am sure that NY Leo are compelled to follow mandates that were handed down following that incident. Staying out of Manhattan may not be bad advice at least for a while.

Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk
Picked up the bike from the precinct today. Spent a couple hours there but otherwise it was hassle free. There was another guy who's Ducati was seized because he didn't have his temp inspection paper from the DMV when stopped and he told me it was his 3rd time there trying to retrieve his bike.


-Bar end mirror was knocked down, nothing some tightening couldn't fix.
-Left rear signal light was snapped off, somehow most of the threads from the mounting bolt are stripped but nothing some epoxy can't fix.
-Right rear fairing piece probably brushed up against a wall (It was parked very tightly in a small garage with about 10 other bikes) and some paint from the wall rubbed off on it (Less than a cm x 1mm). Will have to try and compound it out. Otherwise I put 15 miles on coming back home and she seems fine.
As you recall the Range Rover turned into an International spectacle and a black eye for us all. I don't believe they will stick of to you too hard , but I am sure that NY Leo are compelled to follow mandates that were handed down following that incident. Staying out of Manhattan may not be bad advice at least for a while.

Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk

I don't agree with that at all. My stance on the Rover event is similar to this guys view:

The key points.

- Lien (the Rover Driver) was on his way back from celebrating his wedding anniversary (probable getting drunk)

- Lien was driving erratically and sideswiped a motorcycle

- Lien continued driving and then threw a bottle out of SUV

-Lien ran into the back of a second motorcycle who was flagging him down from the first accident.

-Lien fled the scene not because of fear of the motorcycles but because he didn't want to get caught Driving Drunk.

Anyways, it will be interesting to see what happens when the case plays out.
I don't agree with that at all. My stance on the Rover event is similar to this guys view:

The key points....

Do you have a source for this information? I never heard any account like that in the numerous articles I read after this happened.

IMO the bikers are to blame regardless. I've run into the Hollywood Stuntz types on 3 occasions already and came close to being put in the hospital when one of those assholes mounting an unregistered dirt bike whizzed by me doing 60+ on a city street as I was locking up my Trans Am (Came within 3-6in, if I'd have taken a step back it would've been a nasty situation). Then a group of 100 on more dirt bikes and ATVs swarming the entire street riding on both sidewalks. On 2 occasions they have shut down the local parkway for stunting. I HATE idiots like that, and the crap I'm dealing with now is all because of those retards.
Do you have a source for this information? I never heard any account like that in the numerous articles I read after this happened.

IMO the bikers are to blame regardless. I've run into the Hollywood Stuntz types on 3 occasions already and came close to being put in the hospital when one of those assholes mounting an unregistered dirt bike whizzed by me doing 60+ on a city street as I was locking up my Trans Am (Came within 3-6in, if I'd have taken a step back it would've been a nasty situation). Then a group of 100 on more dirt bikes and ATVs swarming the entire street riding on both sidewalks. On 2 occasions they have shut down the local parkway for stunting. I HATE idiots like that, and the crap I'm dealing with now is all because of those retards.

No clue what you mean by the "hollywood stuntz" type, which none of the riders there were part of.

However, if you said the typical SUV type, I know exactly what you mean.

I have trouble with these type all the time. Glad my motorcycle is faster than a bicycle. I have been watching bicycle video no surprise they have trouble with the same groups of idiots that motorcycle riders do.
Don't start this crap again! Refer to a certain thread to validate whatever argument you choose!

People will not change their opinions regardless of whatever facts you show them. Like video. Just damn drop it.
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OP: So let me get this straight. You were approaching an intersection, all cars in front of you were turning left and you simply went around them on the right to turn right? We do that all the time here. I know I could never live in a city like that but having my bike seized for what should be a minor violation (if it's a violation at all) would be enough to say "Eff this" and move!
OP: So let me get this straight. You were approaching an intersection, all cars in front of you were turning left and you simply went around them on the right to turn right? We do that all the time here. I know I could never live in a city like that but having my bike seized for what should be a minor violation (if it's a violation at all) would be enough to say "Eff this" and move!

Yup, I was filtering those last few cars which is illegal here, hardly reckless. Believe me I plan to, right now its just a matter of getting a business up and running.
