Number Plates


Junior Member
Feb 29, 2008
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York, england
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Considering buying a number plate for my FZ and was wondering whats the law on number plate sizes. usually you have 2 lines but i was wondering if your allowed to shrink the lettering and have a single line number plate as the plate im considering needs to be read as a single word.



With a single line plate on a bike you're asking for trouble, I have an 8x6 on the Aprilia and have got away with it so far, but it's in a sensible font with the little EU circle of stars and a St. George's cross so it looks like a 'real' UK plate at first sight. I still have to change it for the MoT though.

Every now and again some constabulary somewhere will have a 'number plate binge', hang out at bike meets or races etc. and book anyone who's not totally legal, so I wouldn't personally take the p1ss too much with a dodgy plate (I do that with the open race cans instead, it's hadrer to catch you when you're moving :D )
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Not to be a complete arse about it but since I live in Northern Ireland, and being under the rule of the Queen herself the number plates are yellow. They are different to those found in England/Scotland and Wales in that they dont have the European or English flag (not the union Jack) on my question legal would it be for me to get a yellow number plate with the European flag and IRL on the plate (GB for you guys over the pond)???

Would I be comitting suicide doing that here in the North of Ireland having IRL on the plate??? ;)
If you were riding down the Shankhill then maybe :thumbup:
That great JC, and if you ran out of petrol..........................Seriously though last week more segregation fences were erected in Belfast. WTF is that about, I am trying to move my family over to Eire?
Considering buying a number plate for my FZ and was wondering whats the law on number plate sizes. usually you have 2 lines but i was wondering if your allowed to shrink the lettering and have a single line number plate as the plate im considering needs to be read as a single word.




Here's a follow on thread
OK it's not legal but I think it's pretty cool:thumbup:
I didn't hear about those fences!!! I'm living in Belfast...scary thought! But sure they think the trouble is friends still get hassled each time they go out to bars at night...all because they are women, goodlucking (so attract attention) and of course their accent (posh dublin accent). But it always comes down to one thing...religion! Its a sad sad state of affairs when religion dictates other peoples view of you.

I've stayed well clear of the Shankill road, I reside closer to the Falls road...just to be safe! :) There's nothing better then knowing that people around you are of the same mind....but even still, as much as I love my country and want it whole again...I cant stand for people to get hurt in the process.

Segregation walls?? I thought we were ment to be integrating?
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Really? I hadn't heard that. Is it because there is an actual need for it? Or some dumb arse politician thinks it needed?
According to my Mother in law, tension is again running high in certain areas. So I guess its 6 of one and half a dozen of the other.
Back on track I saw a really good looking plate on the way to work this morning. It was about 8" by 6" it also had an eu badge on it and at a glance looked legal.

I didn't hear about those fences!!! I'm living in Belfast...scary thought! But sure they think the trouble is friends still get hassled each time they go out to bars at night...all because they are women, goodlucking (so attract attention) and of course their accent (posh dublin accent). But it always comes down to one thing...religion! Its a sad sad state of affairs when religion dictates other peoples view of you.

I've stayed well clear of the Shankill road, I reside closer to the Falls road...just to be safe! :) There's nothing better then knowing that people around you are of the same mind....but even still, as much as I love my country and want it whole again...I cant stand for people to get hurt in the process.

Segregation walls?? I thought we were ment to be integrating?
Where do I stand Scorph I am a non baptised Church of England protastant with a Catholic wife and children?

And where would I stand being Buddhist? (I can hear the question now, "Are you a Catholic Buddhist or a Protestant Buddhist?")
@ Nelly...well you can stand where ya want! :) :D Sure Nelly, you know all too well how similar the two religions are, its just a simple excuse up here to use religion in order to get into a fight. It is common for someone to think that all catholics are Irish while all Protestants are English...simply not true any more. I have countless protestant friends that consider themselves 100% now it really is just an excuse to pick a fight.

@ Doorag...i've heard that one before alright...your either catholic or protestant...sure there's no other religion up here (in the minds of those eejits who really think religious preference makes a difference)

Its not the ordinary person I'm afraid girlfriend is orthodox, i'm catholic, friends with loads of protestants, buddists and hindo's (spelling wrong there?), and it really makes no difference to me..UNTIL...i'm faced with those people who automatically hate me for the religion i was born into and had no choice to choose.

Kinda off topic from licence plates though! :)

I'll probably just wait until I'm finished up here in Northern Ireland, move back home to the Republic and register my bike there to get my IRL on the white plate! :)
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@ Nelly...well you can stand where ya want! :) :D Sure Nelly, you know all too well how similar the two religions are, its just a simple excuse up here to use religion in order to get into a fight. It is common for someone to think that all catholics are Irish while all Protestants are English...simply not true any more. I have countless protestant friends that consider themselves 100% now it really is just an excuse to pick a fight.

@ Doorag...i've heard that one before alright...your either catholic or protestant...sure there's no other religion up here (in the minds of those eejits who really think religious preference makes a difference)

Its not the ordinary person I'm afraid girlfriend is orthodox, i'm catholic, friends with loads of protestants, buddists and hindo's (spelling wrong there?), and it really makes no difference to me..UNTIL...i'm faced with those people who automatically hate me for the religion i was born into and had no choice to choose.

Kinda off topic from licence plates though! :)

I'll probably just wait until I'm finished up here in Northern Ireland, move back home to the Republic and register my bike there to get my IRL on the white plate! :)
Scorph you on your lunch?