Numb right hand

ride in highest gear possible, as this reduce the vibration. I often ride in 6th gear in city traffic, changing gears sucks but no numb hands!
Being a newbie. I realized I was leaning too much on the handlebars. I've been reading Sport Bike Techniques and it said too use your core and back muscles to hold yourself up. I'm also gripping the tank more firmly with both my legs. It has helped a lot, when I start feeling the numbness I refocus on relaxing the pressure on the handlebars.
Thanks all for the help
I know the angle of the bars is an issue, but I don't hold the bars too tight and still get crazy vibration in my right hand.

has anyone tried some vibration damping tape or polyethylene strips between the bars and the clamp? I think it's worth a try, curious to know if anyone else has tried this?
Recently bought my 08 FZ6 and when I ride for 30 mins or so my right hand goes numb. I used to ride yrs ago and never had that problem. Ive tried with gloves and without. I have also tried to loosen my grip, but there is only so loose you can go on throttle hand. It gets so bad I can barely remove my fingers to brake, and believe me thats a scary thought in a quick stop.
Please advise
I don't want to stop riding now, I'm really enjoying riding again
Okay... Usually a pinched nerve or similar. I have dealt with same issues for years now. As for my FZ6, I put on the risers - 1" up and 1" back - gave a little relief.....
Then installed a throttle lock so I can get my hand of the bar from time to time as I cruise to shake out the numbness...