Novembers Scavenger Hunt


Elite Member
Premium Member
May 9, 2007
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Ottawa, Ontario
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As some people have put their bikes away, for the rest of the winter the scavenger hunts will be for your bike OR your helmet. Meaning, if your bike is stored, pose your helmet.

Here are your goals!

Edit: Due by November 29th, to be announced on Nov 30th

November Scavenger Hunt

1. Picture of YOU with your helmet on in your cage.
2. With a rotting Jack O Lantern (do you folks across the pond do Halloween?)
3. At a kids play park (bonus point for getting a picture resembling Botchs avatar)
4. Little child with your helmet on (borrow someones kid that you know, might be a little creepy if you just ask a random child)
5. Bike or helmet near/on a fence post.
6. With cows, horses, donkeys, sheep etc in the background, not pets
7. In front of a seasonal display
8. With your country's flag (bonus for a different county's flag as well)
9. You with helmet hair (teehee, only because I don't have to do it!:spank:)
10. Unique or out of place road sign. eg. We have a sign up the road saying Egypt Sideroad and Nile Creek

Good luck! this gives you 10 pictures to get plus 2 option bonus pictures!​
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Someone else's car is probably an option as well if you don't have one.

Hey, there's the fence posts in the signature. :D
Question on "helmet hair". As in hair stuck on your helmet like the pigtails you have or the look of your head of hair after an epic 4 hour sweaty ride sans helmet? :confused:
Question on \\"helmet hair\\". As in hair stuck on your helmet like the pigtails you have or the look of your head of hair after an epic 4 hour sweaty ride sans helmet? :confused:

As in the horrible, messy, nasty looking hair , the kind you stick a bandana on or that hat you stick under your windscreen to throw on when you stop for supper :D

No, I don't expect you manly men to wear piggy tails :rof:
Ok,here's my first go .Pics for numbers 2 and 4 and a bonus pic :D
Ok technically its not a rotting jack o lantern ,but we don't celebrate it here so it's the best I could do :Flip:
Ok,here's my first go .Pics for numbers 2 and 4 and a bonus pic :D
Ok technically its not a rotting jack o lantern ,but we don't celebrate it here so it's the best I could do :Flip:

I was wondering whether you celebrated it or not, debatted taking that question out. Glad you have the imagination to fix it yourself! Good job and Yep! it counts.

OOOooooohhh Canada, our home and naaaative laaaand. :D Nice flag! (where the heck did you get a Canadian Flag so quick?)

Why is this child not wearing the correct safety gear?????????????

Oh ! come on, this is the only way I am ever going to win this competition.
