Not sure where to post this one


Go Naked- Its liberating
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Feb 24, 2011
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Melbourne Australia
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Some off you know my son rides, and some may be aware that he also works part time at my work place.
as he's a rider I figure that his news is something for other riders(and me!) to be happy about.
this is what he posted on our work email system

Warning: +1 Flint imminent. Be alert, not alarmed.

[FONT=&quot]Hi all[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]I've been sitting on this news for a little bit, and I've been busting a gut not to let it slip, but my partner Kris and I are pleased to announce that she is 4 months pregnant.
As of the 1st of May next year, I'm going to be a father. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]So far, the baby is looking totally healthy. We don't know it's sex, and we're planning on waiting and letting it be a surprise. We've got a few names in mind, but haven't decided on any of them yet. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]This is a pretty big step for both of us, but we've embraced it with both hands and are very excited (I cannot express how hard it has been for me to keep my mouth shut).[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]I hope I can introduce the little one to you all once they've arrived, which is going to creep up very quickly. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Cheers all, [/FONT]

I'm gonna be a grandpa-woohoo
Congrats, great news. Just arrived back at home from helping my daughter work on her kitchen. A year ago this Saturday they gave me twin grandchildren - lots of fun and can't believe they are turning one already. You will have a great time.
No Bren, Cal told his co-workers by email, he told me over a coffee about a month back and as its his and Kris's news I couldn't let on, not even to my folks.
I didn't want to steal his thunder. but now everyone at work is calling me pops or gramps which is kinda funny
Fantastic news Grandad !!! Blah :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Congrats to all :D :D.... Now if you could jut let them know the Humperdinkel has already been taken ;) but I'll let them use Humpy :p