Not an official get together...

Yukon Alex, if you ride down to Tx next year swing on over to Ca for a visit in my neck of the woods. I am in the Sierra Nevada Mts. awesome riding country.
Looks like four of us for dinner then? Looks like Lucky may have to change his username!:)

I would love to make a long trip to Texas through the southern US. Maybe a ride down the Pacific Coast, left turn at LA and then across to Texas. Wouldn't that be sweet? The good news is I have a lot of time to plan a trip like that, winter is long and, unfortunately, the riding season is short. Gotta put some miles on the new baby this summer!:Sport: Then I can think about next summer.
So we're on for Monday! Don't forget guys. I will still enjoy the Greek food but it would be better with company. See you then.
So we're on for Monday! Don't forget guys. I will still enjoy the Greek food but it would be better with company. See you then.

Ok I made reservations... for 6:30 under the name.... FZ6......... so anyone that wants to come just show up. Its supposed to rain here Monday so if its nasty just bring the car lol....

Just got back from a nice dinner with CJS500 and Yukon Alex. Went for greek food.. ( I need to lay down lol ) Have a safe ride home Alex... Cliff and I felt bad for him ( Its raining hard ) Here is a pic of Alex and his New FZ.....

Nice to meet you Alex:thumbup::thumbup:
My apologies...I'm chauffering my Toronto Boss around our Dealers in the Lower Mainland for a few days, and didn't get back to my (home) office till after 7 last night... :(
Nice to see you made it ok, Alex! :thumbup: (and you got your bike power-washed at the same time:p)
How are those Dunlops on wet roads?
I'm sorry you missed it too! Supper was great and nice company too!

The tires are good. As of today, they made it through rain and falling snow. I'll post the story and photos elsewhere.

Nice meeting you guys!
I'm sorry you missed it too! Supper was great and nice company too!

The tires are good. As of today, they made it through rain and falling snow. I'll post the story and photos elsewhere.

Nice meeting you guys!

Glad to hear the OEM Dunlops are doing their job....there is so much nonsense out there regarding tires. I'm in no hurry to replace my OEM Dunlops now.