Nor Cal Group!

Lol, I see other FZ6s in SF all the time. But they're always parked! I rarely see another rider. :p

Most of the time you guys up north are trekking down here in SoCal. It's about time we SoCal riders ride up north and meet up with ya'll! :D
Most of the time you guys up north are trekking down here in SoCal. It's about time we SoCal riders ride up north and meet up with ya'll! :D

Sounds good to me! I'd love to make a run to Alice's Restaurant with a bunch of forum members. :thumbup:
I feel so left out in Montery, Im almost NorCal, but not even close to SoCal. Id like to set up a ride as well, I've got a lot of fellow service members that are always looking to ride.
Maybe a Meet & Ride somewhere in the middle of Monterey and the Bay Area might get some riders to come out...lots of nice places to ride in that area, like Hwy 25. I need to get out there in your area too, or you guys can ride up here and we'll go to the Berryessa area.

I feel so left out in Montery, Im almost NorCal, but not even close to SoCal. Id like to set up a ride as well, I've got a lot of fellow service members that are always looking to ride.
well I will talk to the riders on base and see what I can get setup. NorCal has plenty of beautiful rides, we just have to get people to show up lol
This thread started years back, it's already what, August of 2012, still haven't met anyone here personally or riden with anyone here.
Well, at least now there's 2 of us here Solano co. & 1 in Marin.
Hey, that's Marin
& Kevin in Vallejo also.