No shirt, check no helmet, check, shorts check...

Sorry. No worries. My droid doesn't let me see the bigger picture. See that personal responsibility... droid's fault.

lol. Off topic but how do you like your droid? My phone contract is up for renewal and i was looking at those, I can not bring myself to pay out all the $ for a iphone and att service.
Dude, the assumptions you're making are so wrong. You say that it's people's life. Sure, it is. But the consequences from the mistakes people do, don't just affect them personally. It has implications for the whole society, in terms of cost.

The analogy is a basejumper hitting the rock side way up a cliff, a cliff that is known for extreme conditions and therefore it's not recommended to jump from it. If the accident is survivable, that person probably needs a heli rescue, right? Now, that time and effort it takes for the helicopter to rescue that person could be spent on something else less stupid. Agree? Therefore, in this example the jumper should at least cover the expenses for the rescue operation. Even so, precious time was "wasted" if you get what I mean.

Smoking should actually be banned for the same reasons. It costs the society -not only money, but also time and other resources- a lot each year. Especially is that something you should seriously consider now when the health care reforms are coming into place. Or, there should be an immense increase in tobacco taxes. That justifies it to some extent.

Point is: There are so many idiots on this planet, and without regulations that retain all the stupidity, things tend to be more expensive than they need to be. For you as a public servant, this should be of upmost concern. Riding without a helmet is in my book just as idiotic as my example above, and should therefore be something you don't just say "his problem only" towards.


I don't follow your logic regarding the base jumper rescue team. Isn't time they spend sitting on their bums, not rescuing people, wasting "precious" time? After all, they are being paid to rescue people... not to sit next to the shiny whirlybird.

Who decides what is worthy of regulation and what isn't? I need to see that list of "Elites" before I can sign off on an idea like that. (although, I've yet to find one person worthy enough to tell me how I should live my life)
, his response.......Harley riders don't crash.

its hard to crash a harley when its just sitting in front of a bar. i hate ohio, i refuse to ride with sportbikes that don't wear gear so i usually end up riding alone, i don't have pants but always wear helmet, gloves, jacket, jeans and boots when i'm out riding
What about the 10 harley riders that went down in Oregon last year!
Riding in formation was there down fall and the fact not enough gear.
There was loss of life. ATGATT :rockon:
I don't follow your logic regarding the base jumper rescue team. Isn't time they spend sitting on their bums, not rescuing people, wasting "precious" time? After all, they are being paid to rescue people... not to sit next to the shiny whirlybird.

Who decides what is worthy of regulation and what isn't? I need to see that list of "Elites" before I can sign off on an idea like that. (although, I've yet to find one person worthy enough to tell me how I should live my life)

You obviously didn't get my point, therefore I really don't see the purpose of explaining it further. My bet is that you have allready made up your mind, so why bother?

You don't happen to be a member of the NRA too, no?:rolleyes:`

The people you elect for parliament or any other national assembly is most often the people you can trust making the decisions of what should be regulated and what shouldn't.

Oh, let me guess. You DON'T trust those elected for that job, right?
What about the 10 harley riders that went down in Oregon last year!
Riding in formation was there down fall and the fact not enough gear.
There was loss of life. ATGATT :rockon:

If you run into a stationary object at 60 MPH, gear won't help you all that much.

25 MPH is the same speed you would reach jumping out of a second story window. Try that in full gear, just tumbling out of the window.

60 MPH is halfway to terminal velocity.... the maximum speed that a skydiver reaches before pulling the ripcord.
Lots of opinions here, and I feel everyone seems to have a good point. My feeling is I would rather have the freedom to choose than a law to tell me I have to.

I have come to realize that most laws are created to protect us from ourselves. I feel personal responsibility is a thing of the past when we can be dumb and later find someone else to blame and make a lawsuit out of it.

And if anyone were to tell me that crashes don't apply to Harley's I'd send them every link, pic, and story that would show otherwise.
I was informed by my boss that it's just us gearing up because we don't know how to ride. Let me explain a little better........While putting on my gear, esp. the pants, my boss laughs and puts this big grin on, I ask him why he's laughing and he explained it to me. His $12 helmet+$1 DOT sticker is better than my CF full face helmet because it's "cooler" and I think he means that in more than one way. I said I gear up because I don't want to end up in ER getting road rash scrubbed clean, his response.......Harley riders don't crash. Can't really argue with that logic huh? I guess the bottom line is do what feels right to you, and don't worry what the other guy is wearing. I do hate to see people riding with kids on the back with short helmets and shorts.

lol my gf asked me a week or so ago "do harley riders not wear gear because they are so slow?" lol. all the harley riders around here seem to be really nice guys, all of them always wave when you ride by.
In Poland Marlboro did a cost analysis and determined it costs the country less in medical insurance if people smoked and died 10-15 years early.

The study was done to address the question "should smoker pay more for state health insurance.

The final answer from both sides was it breaks even.

Just cold hard economic facts.

So as the insurance company doesn't WANT you to die, it is probably a little cheaper for them.
In Poland Marlboro did a cost analysis and determined it costs the country less in medical insurance if people smoked and died 10-15 years early.

The study was done to address the question "should smoker pay more for state health insurance.

The final answer from both sides was it breaks even.

Just cold hard economic facts.

So as the insurance company doesn't WANT you to die, it is probably a little cheaper for them.

"Marlboro did a cost analysis"... Now, that says it all, doesn't it?

Sure, dying at a young age sure helps reducing a country's future pension costs. Allthough, unless that same country don't provide you with medical care the time you're lying there in hospital coughing blood from your lung cancer or whatever, I suspect that cost analysis being BS.

I don't have the exact numbers, but staying in hospital for -let's say a year- with all the corresponding medical equipment and drugs that are necessary to keep your last year bearable, that would probably cost more than 10 years of government funded pension. Since the US has the highest tariffs on medical drugs than any other country in the world, this analysis certainly don't apply for you guys. And not to mention the loss of productivity during the illness. That's economy for you.

This will of course vary from country to country. The lower the taxes on a particular good, the greater the cost for society if there's a high risk associated with the good.
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Seat Belts in cars save lives and Helmets save lives..The car that hit me,If the driver had not had his seat belt on he would definately died.As it was, a collar bone is a small price to pay for putting on a seat belt.
Seat Belts in cars save lives and Helmets save lives..The car that hit me,If the driver had not had his seat belt on he would definately died.As it was, a collar bone is a small price to pay for putting on a seat belt.

I'm all for costing the insurance company as much as possible, when it comes to any rider's continued existence. That's what we pay the rates that we do, for.

There's absolutely no question that any rider is more likely to survive, wearing the best kit that they can afford. What would have been a fatal accident, becomes a near fatal accident in some larger population.

The recovery from the increased level of injury that can be survived, is going to cost more than the death benefits offered in most insurance plans.

No matter how good that kit is...... it's not anywhere near the margin of safety a car driver has in a modern car. I'd think a modern car operator WITHOUT a seat belt, is still likely to be less injured in a same speed/scenario accident compared to a fully outfitted rider.
You obviously didn't get my point, therefore I really don't see the purpose of explaining it further. My bet is that you have allready made up your mind, so why bother?

You don't happen to be a member of the NRA too, no?:rolleyes:`

The people you elect for parliament or any other national assembly is most often the people you can trust making the decisions of what should be regulated and what shouldn't.

Oh, let me guess. You DON'T trust those elected for that job, right?

LoL... you guys don't disappoint. Spoken like a true elitist. Oh, and thanks for stereotyping me. Nice work. I thought all points of view are valid? Funny how that only works one way, huh? :thumbup:

Who's mind is already made up, again? :rolleyes: