No more smoking!!!


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Feb 12, 2010
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So its been 24hours without a single cigarette....
wow! i didnt think ill do even 3 hours...
i was smoking like a powerplant factory maybe 50 to 60 cigs the day. i know its gonna be harder the next 2 days with a peak at day 3 witch i look forward not to smoke....
its true that "I NEED A F@CKING CIG NOW" freakouts take 3 minutes long and then fade away. these 3 minutes are like days for me but i hold on to it.
talked to some friends and none of them seems to believe that im gonna make it!
maybe they are right but for now i hold on....i was smoking too much and all of a sudden NONE.
some times a day i feel a little lightheaded like i took 100 deep breaths

anyone else in the same situation as me? lets quit together !!!
id apreciate any me quit!!!!
I recommend Chantix. I smoked for over 50 years, but it's been four since I quit. As advertised, Chantix just takes away the edge that nicotine produces. I luckily didn't have any of the side effects that I've heard others use as an explanation why it didn't work for them. Anyway, it sure worked for me.
I wish I could offer advice but I have never smoked. I can only offer up a congrats and a hope that you will never smoke again. I wish you the very best in this!
thanks but the method im using needs no have to fight it straight ahead and not just forget about glad it worked for you...ill keep in mind if i dont make it....
its kind of strange...i consider my self a no smoker right now
but i have to get over the nicotine addict
in my life, just out of curiosity, i have used all of the kinds of drugs. Im an addict to none of them, only nicotine.
I quit too like 5 years ago. I haven't looked back.

Yes yo uare right those intense freakouts fade away. They come back, then fade away. They do it over and over again. But you will notice something:

As the days turn into weeks the time between and intensity of those freakouts will diminish. If you give in, the intensity and frequency will just return and make you start from scratch all over again.

As the weeks turn into months, they decrease to the point you don't really notice them and most days you don't even think about smoking.

After 4-5 months you are out of the cycle and are free and clear. Times of great stress will remind you of smoking, but as long as you don't start again, your life will be your own, and not some little white stick's.

Cold turkey is the only way to do it because those gums and patches just erode your willpower. To say you need a gum or patch is to say you still need to smoke. It is behind you and no longer part of your life. Make it past the big and little humps and you will love how much better you feel.

Really, it feels awesome. You wake up and are so fresh, you have extra energy, your quality of life is higher.
thanks but the method im using needs no have to fight it straight ahead and not just forget about glad it worked for you...ill keep in mind if i dont make it....
its kind of strange...i consider my self a no smoker right now
but i have to get over the nicotine addict
in my life, just out of curiosity, i have used all of the kinds of drugs. Im an addict to none of them, only nicotine.

Yeah but you still hear the voices in your toolbox! :rof:

Good for you Tomari! :rockon: Try to keep in mind you can not afford to smoke. When a tuff spot comes do something else. Go walk or jog. I used to smoke and tried all kinds of ways to stop. The method you are using worked for me. It was time for me to stop and that was it. Period. I don't count the time I haven't smoked. It was quite a while ago. I mountain biked a lot afterward. There is never a time now, that I consider a near challenge to begin again. To me it was a miracle that I was able to quit and I try to honor that miracle. :Flash:May the miracle be with you!:Flash:

hang in there, man!

I gets easier, trust me. I just turned thirty and was smoking two packs of camels everyday. I had tried everything to quit during that time, from chantix to hypnosis.

I finally just got sick of it. Woke up march 1st this year and said enough. Haven t had one single smoke since. It's been tough, not going to sugar coat completely, but I am proud of myself. Each day it does get easier. Everyonce in a while I'll smell a cigarette and go "mmmm", but mostly it smells horrible.

Keep it up! I won't preach to any one to quit, but will fully support any one who tries.

I distracted myself from the nicotine withdrawl by taking up smoking crack. Worked wonders. Was not thinking about cigarettes AT ALL!!!
I quit 4 months ago when I had my shoulder surgery. The first two weeks I was pretty heavily medicated which helped out the initial stoping part. I have not even wanted one and I had smoked a long, long time. I absolutly love it. I am smoking more herbs if you know what I mean now but that's OK. :thumbup::thumbup:
Well done on 24 hours! Keep up the good work.

I've never smoked but I know what it's like to be addicted to something - MARSHMALLOWS....... and I CAN'T give them up :D

Think of how many extra years you have added to your life and how much more money will be available to mod that lovely bike of yours :D
Well done on 24 hours! Keep up the good work.

I've never smoked but I know what it's like to be addicted to something - MARSHMALLOWS....... and I CAN'T give them up :D

Think of how many extra years you have added to your life and how much more money will be available to mod that lovely bike of yours :D

I might be crazy but I just pictured you taking a marshmellow and melting it like heroin users do on a spoon LOL. MUST HAVE MARSHMELLLLLLOW!!!!!!
To the OP, good luck... I will try it again soon, I have quit before but it was the worst twenty minutes of my life...:ban:

I tried the patch but couldn't keep the damn thing lit....

Seriously thought, all the best, I'll be asking for support when me and the wife try it again.
If you get the craving try looking to see where you can get an E-Cigarette... it has helped me. check out for an idea of what there are but they atomize liqiud with nicotine in it to give you the nicotine and the sensation of smoking, and you can step down the nicotine dosage as you go. the filters are refilable so after the initial purchase its way cheaper... clearly it isnt as good as quitting but better than going back to smoking
It's 11 years for me... I still want one everyday!!!
If you overeat carrots you will NOT want to smoke...
Smell your fingers when you go to bed... really good reinforcement

GOOD LUCK:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:
If you get the craving try looking to see where you can get an E-Cigarette... it has helped me. check out for an idea of what there are but they atomize liqiud with nicotine in it to give you the nicotine and the sensation of smoking, and you can step down the nicotine dosage as you go. the filters are refilable so after the initial purchase its way cheaper... clearly it isnt as good as quitting but better than going back to smoking

Why isn't this as good as quitting? Nicotene has ZERO harmful affects on human beings. I quit using an E=CIG a year ago yesterday. This method works...and it's easy to quit. I smoked for 47 years.
It's not as good as quitting because you're still addicted to SOMETHING, regardless of health effects. Kudos for not smoking cigarettes anymore though.