No more riding for a month or so...


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Nov 23, 2007
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Rhodes, Greece
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I cant believe how unlucky I am. After a long and very rainy winter I was so looking forward to spring and enjoying my bike. What happened? I fractured my left wrist. I still cant believe it. As I was entering my bedroom yesterday afternoon I triped and hit my left wrist on the corner of the desk. It hurt a little but cant say that I was in any terrible pain. This morning when I got up my wrist was swollen and it really hurt. I went to the hospital to get it checked and now its in plaster and will be for the next 3 weeks at least. I still cant believe it....
Sorry to hear that but maybe it's time to practice clutchless shifting? :justkidding: Go easy on it and you'll be back in no time!
Good Lord! That really sucks!! Very sorry to hear this! I hope it heals fast and without issues!

Take care!
Man that sucks. Glad you are on the mend. Did they tell you not to ride with the cast on? Good luck...

I don't think I can. It hurts when I put any weight, or move my wrist at all.

Was this an actual break or did you chip a bone? Of the 200 plus bones in the human anatomy over half are in the hands and feet so it doesn't take much to create a problem. Years ago while in high school I chipped my right navicular while playing football and that took me out for about 6 weeks. Probably best not to chance it....
that sucks dude, i hate hurting myself when i'm not even doing anything that should ever hurt anyone (AKA walking into a bedroom)

Anyway, heal up soon and then ride extra as PT for your healing wrist.
Hope your wrist gets better soon! Take it easy, and don't hop back in the saddle too soon - don't want to aggravate anything.
Was this an actual break or did you chip a bone? Of the 200 plus bones in the human anatomy over half are in the hands and feet so it doesn't take much to create a problem. Years ago while in high school I chipped my right navicular while playing football and that took me out for about 6 weeks. Probably best not to chance it....

I actually cracked (from what the Doctors told me) one of the bones in the left wrist. Funny thing is, exactly 20 years ago I did the same with my right wrist. Ain't that a coincidence...
Well I have modified your incident so it sounds more interesting...:D
I cant believe how unlucky I am. After a long and very rainy winter I was so looking forward to spring and enjoying my bike. What happened? I fractured my left wrist. I still cant believe it. As I was entering a left hand hairpin yesterday afternoon I tipped the bike over and hit my left wrist on the kerb of the pavement as I went round. It hurt a little but cant say that I was in any terrible pain. This morning when I got up my wrist was swollen and it really hurt. I went to the hospital to get it checked and now its in plaster and will be for the next 3 weeks at least. I still cant believe it....

That sucks, rest it and it will be as good as new.
Sorry about your wrist. I guess it's time to figure out some mods to tear into quick now that the bike will be up for awhile! You could always have someone help you wrench on it if you need to!

That sucks. If you have a weird sense of humor, look at the bright side: no scratches on your bike! ;)