Newbie, just bought my first FZ6


Junior Member
May 24, 2011
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Hey everyone, lokking for a little help. I just bought my first bike, it needs some things done. It doesn't seem to hold a charge very well, it has a new battery, what else could it be? Also, the previous owner said to flush it with sea foam... What is that/where can I get it/what do I do with it? Thank you for your help.
The battery could be dead....i have had new batteries that have been bad out of the box....

Welcome, by the way.

Sea foam can be added to the fuel or sucked in through the intake vacuum line to clean out the cylinder head/valves. It is a good fuel stabilizer, cleans injectors, fuel system, etc. Probably not really necessary on a bike with low miles. I put it in my tank when it's not being run in January - February.

first, looking at your bike under your S/N i'm guessing the linked manual won't help you.

second, i have no clue about the electrical problem.

third, sea foam is some good stuff. you can go to any local auto parts store and they should have it. it'll be in the area with brake fluid, oil additives, carb cleaners, etc. it's in a white bottle with red writing. just follow the directions on the bottle. it'll help clean out your fuel lines.

good luck.

[edit]: dang it. just a smidge late.
:welcome:to the forum! Congratulations on your new ride!

Besides actually having an electrical problem and being that you are new to the bike. The charging system doesn't put out much of anything below 2000 RPM. If you're doing low RPM tooling around, a lot of stop n go, maybe in traffic a lot, make sure you get those RPMs up. You might be shifting early and not getting RPMs up enough to put back into the battery what your taking out. If your not in the open and doing a lot of stop n go, take the bike out for a half hour run on an open road. Other than that you may have other problems with your charging system.