new toy for summer


High-tech Redneck
Aug 17, 2008
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southwest michigan
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new toy for summer, one year review.

well i have been looking and finally decided to do it. i go the wife and i some headsets for communication, so far (around the house) they are working great. cant wait to try the new toys out on the road.

we got the cardo scala q2 setup..

Motorbike Intercom taking you further

between the headsets, the fender elim , flushies and such on her bike and i have my bike back and fresh tires waiting to be put on, man i cant wait to ride.
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Congrats Bigdog! I went with the Chatterbox, and it has been a good and interesting experience. First, we went through 2 faulty units for her, and then it too a bit to get used to the sensitivity of the mic. I'm interested to hear your experience with the Scala!

Enjoy the nice long chatty rides now :D
the Q2 is AWESOME.

the bike to bike is great, even in the mountains or downtown.
the cell phone usuage is even better, I however upgraded phones and the voice dialing system doesnt work as well as it did with my older phone.

FM radio is great when commuting too as you can switch between traffic stations and avoid getting stuck in traffic in leathers! ultra durable, you wont be dissapointed
will def. get a review of some sort after we get some use out of them. be patient as it is still winter and will be a little bit before we can get out to use them.

live4snow, that was a link to their site, i think it was about 230 or so shipped i saw the Q4's which are a bit cooler but the cheapest i could find them was like 400.
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Very nice unit! I have the Chatterbox with Bluetooth and GMRS radio. The radio has probably literally been a life save when someone shouted rider down over the air and it was a Busa that went down in front of me in a blind turn we were hot and heavy in. Like the Scala's compactness!





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all right guys/gals. being that i forgot to do it last fall i figured now that we have had some time with them i would to a review on the headsets.

the quick and simple is there are couple things that are frustrating, but overall love having them..


the communications ability is great. being able to talk being it for bordom, chit chat, discuss where we are headed, obsticals, bathroom break ect. they are great and invaluable.

the units seem to hold a good charge, and are quite durable and have held up great in the elements. they look almost as good as when we got them. and i forsee years of continued use before any physical issues.

pairs with phone no problem and the bluetooth works great and most ppl dont reilize i am on the bike while on the phone. they think i am in a car with the window cracked. not down just cracked.

not so good.

the hands down biggest complaint that we have about them is that they "turn off" (as in like a sleep. they are supposed to do this for conservation, insted of keeping open air waves when there is no active communication it goes into stand by untill you want to communicate again) the issue that we seem to have is that even during mid conversation especially when going slower in traffic or stopped they will go into standby, which is quite frustrating to be talking and have it disconnect. esp when crusing at speed or on the highway in higher noise situations often even when we have not said anything for a bit they will stay "open"

about the only other little gripe i have is my new phone ( droid x ) links up great, but the voice for the navigation will not go through the headset. (but there is the cord for mp3's and such that i can connect and it will do that as if i had head phones in the phone. and mp3's on the phone are the same way. and not sure with "headphones" on if i get a call if the mic in the scala will pick it up. have not tried that yet.)

but bottom line i think is that they are built well and are a great great tool and we overall love them even in spite of the few shortcomings, the plus side is so great that aside from some minor frustrations they are far better than having nothing. (for us)
well another update! they have worked as well as my last update and have been great! but this fall ( fall of 2014 ) my unit gave out! hers seems to still work ok but mine will turn on and give a low battery warning then turn off very shortly later and it will do this no matter how "charged" it says after being on the charger. ( sucks because i just this fall bought a car charger for them so i could charge off my bike while parked) i am hoping to find another used one or not sure what, but after having them we are a bit lost without, so there will be something in the future!

4 years of fun! rip little buddy!
well another update! they have worked as well as my last update and have been great! but this fall ( fall of 2014 ) my unit gave out! hers seems to still work ok but mine will turn on and give a low battery warning then turn off very shortly later and it will do this no matter how "charged" it says after being on the charger. ( sucks because i just this fall bought a car charger for them so i could charge off my bike while parked) i am hoping to find another used one or not sure what, but after having them we are a bit lost without, so there will be something in the future!

4 years of fun! rip little buddy!

Can't you put a new battery in the unit? If you're looking for a newer unit the Sena has a few great models but if you like yours and want to save money why not replace the battery and probably just replace the battery in her unit as well.
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thanks moto! i will try to get some new life in there! and for get the question part of the pm i sent back, i read the pm before i saw the post here.

i will keep posted on how goes it!
ok so i have been in contact with motogiro and he is going to hook me up with replacing the batteries in my units. i ordered some batteries but not quite what will work well, so i am in contact with the guy that made the how to repair and am getting some batteries straight from him. which is fun as he is in germany. but that should be rolling.
Re: new toy for summer, one year review.

We have the Scala G6 and may upgrade this year. Something we found that works great is getting rid if the speakers that came with the system, and modify with a jack to plug in earbuds. We can hear each other (and our music) so much better!
I had q2 for ling time. Used is for bike to bike and to passenger. THE biggest problem is that it tends to disconnects (gets on stand-by) in the middle of conversation. I needed another set and bought Scala (my wife still has the q2, so it's Scala-to-q2 now) but the problem is still there. Not sure is it's q2 still doing it. Has to test Scala to Scala and see.
We've been using ours for three seasons now. Love them! In the beginning we talked a lot. The hubby was my full-time track coach, but now he has confidence in me. We usually only talk for potty breaks and discussions of which way we want to go. Bluetoothing music into the helmet is awesome!! And we can still talk when needed. When I got stung/bit by a yellow jacket on my wrist while riding, my screams of pain kicked on the intercomm and he knew I was going to pull over so I could pull off my jacket to look for the little f*@#er and remove my rings incase of swelling.

Only problem was last summer on our Canada trip. His headset decided to stop working. We were 2 months out of warranty. Manufacturer was helpful when we called. They said they would still honor it but we needed the receipt for verification which was 800 miles away at home. We bought a new set up. The little bugger decided to work when we got home, so now he has it set up on a new helmet so he can wear either helmet and still has the intercomm.