New Rider/ Gear Advice


Junior Member
May 25, 2015
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Alright, so as Im sure everyone knows. There is about 47.364 billion different choices of gear out there (give or take a few). I feel like as soon as I find something I like and Im confident about it, I read a bunch of reviews (lets be honest, who dosnt) and then talk myself out of it.

So Id like to know what everyone uses?

Im new to road bikes, but Iv figured out what I think I might buy...

Helmet - Bell Vortex - DOT and SNELL approved. Good price.
Jacket - Icon Overlord Jacket - Considering not buying this anymore as I hear Icon stuff is garbage. So looking for other ideas?
Boots - Who knows.... haha (up to $150)

If Im off to a bad start, please let me know, Im getting overwhelmed with the options here lol. Any input is appreciated.

Best way to get it done bro is to set a price for each peice of gear like u did for boots - 150

go to revilla or bike bandit and search by rating 5 star's only and you'll see the best gear for your price READ THE REVIEWS the more reviews the more people were impressed/unhappy with the item !!!

I'm very very happy with all my gear, I recommend waterproof boots i got Gaerne G-Adventure Boots - RevZilla when they were on sale for 180. So its worth it to check the on sale side of things first

Just look for items with a lot of positive reviews and you cant go wrong I got a perforated leather jacket because you can always have more layers under but if its too hot u cant do much.
I bought Alpinestars SMX1 boots this season and really like them so far. They are comfortable when riding or walking and are faster to put on and take off than my tennis shoes while offering much more protection in a crash. They aren't a full race boot though, so there are definitely safer boots to look at.
I have Icon Overlord jacket and love it. It doesn't have the back hump/bump but don't really need it if you just ride on the street. Also I have Cortect Letago boots, really good, bang for the buck. For pants I have AGV Sport Willows Lether pants. It's bang for the buck and it's Awesome!
Gear up man :) Happy Shopping. Motorcycle Sport ain't cheap lol
I know it doesn't fit into the "shop around on the internet to find the cheapest deal" ethos, but (imo) you really need to try stuff on. All brands fit differently, and all of us are different shapes and sizes, making online shopping really hard for a noob.

I was in this boat 18 months ago getting geared up, and there's nothing worse (and more budget busting) than buying wrong. Whatever you get needs to be comfortable above all else, if it isn't comfortable it will distract you from what you need to be thinking about.

ATM you can't make any informed decisions because you have nothing to compare to - for instance the very lovely Shark helmet I fancied was way too round for my head, and I ended up with a Schoei purely because it was the best fit. It's all day comfy, so I can forget about it and concentrate on riding - all your gear needs to fulfill that criterium.

Good luck, and have fun!
Olympia airglide jacket and pants! Best gear I've ever owned. Good protection, great airflow, and the rain liners work extremely well. It's expensive, but it'll last you a long time. The customer service is also phenomenal.
I would not bother with waterproof gear unless you plan to ride in the rain. Though they are often advertised as "breathable" they don't breathe nearly as well as a vented boot.

I recommend buying used gear off CL (except maybe the helmet). You'll save a bundle, get covered, and later you'll realize what you really want out of your gear and you can start buying stuff that fits your needs better. Everyone has a different opinion on the amount of protection needed, riding style, riding in different conditions, and different tolerances for temperature based on location.

My personal preferences: I prefer a mesh jacket for any temperature above the upper 70s, and I have a perforated leather jacket for everything below (down to 50). Kevlar jeans get the job done without looking like you belong on a snowmobile. I also prefer short cuff Held gloves for the street.
Gear can get expensive, and the quality can vary a lot on price. Have you taken an MSF Class, a successful completion will result in a 15% discount with Cycle Gear. About helmets, the most important thing to look for; make sure it's D.O.T approved, and stay away with any used helmets. Snell is a nice resume to have on your helmet, but just because it doesn't have the Snell certification doesn't mean it's not a quality helmet.

For serious riders, they will have multiple jackets, gloves, footwear, etc. If you are set on just one jacket, you might want to consider getting a mesh jacket that comes with a liner. Since it's mesh, it's not going to be the strongest but it will come with armor and a back protector . You will be able to use the jacket during the summer and during the cold since it will come with a liner.

It's best for new riders to go visit a store and try the gear on. Sizes will vary depending on manufacturer and to be honest, it will take a couple of fittings to find the right fit. Tough to do online.
How did you find out about the 15% off? Because I am taking the class here in a few weeks before I really start riding the motorcycle. Would be cool to get a discount!

The helmet I have decided on is a Bell Vortex, Both DOT and Snell approved and they are going for $150 currently. What really surprises me is I have a 24.5inch head, which seems... off. My motocross helmet is a size large.... 24.5 inches is a XXL. So I am going to call tomorrow to figure things out.
We've had good luck with good gear and prices at Sportbike Track Gear ( They have video reviews as well as individual reviews. For example, we got my 19 year old son two piece Alpine Star leathers for $150.
Another consideration to your budget and qualification for your gear is how much riding in cooler weather you'll be doing. What is your riding season going the be like? Buying the well ventilated jacket for hot summer will not keep you warm enough in the cooler weather. I also wear under garments that I can remove if need be as weather or elevation to cooler weather changes occur. As time passes you'll acquire more gear directed at more specific climates but right now you'll want to consider the wider variable for weather change.